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Ten things I’m learning on my path to finding my soul destiny

Most of us want to find out why we’re here and what our purpose is.

For some people, it’s a driver in their lives, causing them to constantly seek and expand outwards to explore and discover the truth of their existence. For others, they are content to live a life filled with joy, love and inner peace.

Both are beautiful ways to live for there is no one right way to live this life.

I am a seeker, a pathfinder, and I have a constant thirst to understand who I am, why I’m here and what I’m meant to be doing in this incarnation. It means that I have an inability to settle and stay content with where I am because I feel like there’s more mountains to be climbed and more discoveries to be made.

Perhaps you’re like this too; wanting to understand your life, make meaning of your time here and connect deeply to the source of your existence and discover God within.

You can only connect the dots in your life when you look back and see the path clearly laid out behind you and take stock of the road you’ve travelled to get to where you are. I didn’t know I was searching for my soul destiny until very recently when I came to the realisation that it’s been my mission all along.

And like you, all the experiences I’m having along the way have led me to this point of time, when I can now look back and see the lessons I’m learning, the failures I’m overcoming and the dawning epiphanies I’m having along the way, which I’m going to share with you now.

1. Your soul destiny is a way of being

This is the biggest one I have to wrap my head around. In a Soul Contract you can find out the meaning of your Soul Destiny but it’s not going to tell you what to do, but rather how to be. Your Soul Destiny is like the biggest challenge in your life that you’re here to make peace with and gracefully integrate into your life. It is a way of being, rather than a specific job, career or tangible goal.

2. Your soul destiny is abstract

Your Soul Destiny gives you the clues but it’s in abstract form, meaning you can interpret it and give meaning to it in a way that feels aligned with your soul. It is not a set of instructions and it does not tell you what to do next, it is a guide, allowing us to take responsibility for our soul destiny rather than handing it over to someone else to figure out for us.

3. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey

So many of us are always in a rush, impatiently waiting for something to happen, wanting to arrive at the finish line and not bother to run the race. I am probably the most impatient of them all and struggle to accept the pace of the journey that I’m not. But what I’ve come to realise is that your soul destiny is in the journey, it’s not to be found in the destination. All the gems, wisdom and wonders are to be discovered along the path, so don’t rush or you’ll miss the clues and never arrive.

4. The low points are the alchemy

So many of my most broken moments have been the catalysts for wonderful things to happen in my life. While those low points were painful and utterly miserable, they were the alchemy that created transformations. That dark night of the soul, or the many dark nights that you might experience, take you into the darkness for a reason; it’s so that you can find your light.

5. Don’t compare your journey

I have a real tendency to compare myself to others. It’s my ego longing to validate my way of living and being stuck in survival mode. It’s also about living in lack and not understanding my worth, which are always on-going projects for me. Yet, no one on this earth is better or worse than you. Their journey is just that; their journey, and yours is yours. There’s no one perfect way to live and there’s no point wishing you were someone else. Go at your own pace and remember that there is always enough for you, if you know you’re worthy of receiving it.

6. Things can happen very quickly

This is one of the most wonderful things I’ve come to realise on the journey; things can happen very quickly after moving very slowly. Sometimes it’s been at the point of giving up when something has suddenly happened the very next day to swing me onto a completely new path. This life can be testing and the one thing that will help you on your way is hope. You never know what can happen, when it can happen or how. This is just the wonder of the universe showing us it’s power, might and magic.

7. Let your resistance go

I have suffered many times by staying in a place of resistance, unwilling to change and not wanting to accept my situation or circumstance. And let me tell you, it was a pretty uncomfortable way to live. When we’re in a place of resistance it’s like an invisible forcefield around us, blocking anything good from coming into our lives. When we accept our lives and come to peace with where we are, we’re not giving up, we’re just letting the forcefield down and stepping back into the flow where all things are possible.

8. Find your balance

When we’re too focused on one thing we can really fall out of balance in our lives, especially when it comes to our spiritual expansion. We can often be too wrapped up in the seeking, exploring and questioning that we completely miss the point of living, which is to have joy, laughter, love and community in our lives. If we forget to live and enjoy our lives on the path to our soul destiny, then we fall further out of alignment with ourselves and further away from our true path.

9. Emotional clearing will unlock the door

We all have subconscious programming running deep within us that creates conflicts, sabotaging behaviour, fears and limiting beliefs which block us from our higher consciousness. Which is why emotional clearing to alchemise these programmes is so essential for our growth and development. Without it, our ego is running the show without us even realising, and our soul’s nudging that shows us the way forwards, is lost in the chaos.

10. The little things make the difference

We all think that our soul destiny will reveal itself in a lightning bolt; a sudden realisation, a dramatic announcement, a prophecy in a dream, but it rarely happens like that. It happens so slowly and gradually that we don’t even notice it working its magic under the surface of our day-to-day lives. When we stop waiting and start trusting that small voice within us, those little nudges of intuition, and the little clues laid out on the path, we realise that we’re already on our way. It’s these little things, like pieces of a jigsaw, that create the bigger picture.

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Carry on exploring

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