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Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist

I was on the tube last week having a conversation with a man, also on his way to protest against vaccine passports, lockdowns and our slippery descent into a tyrannical state, when someone abruptly shouted at me “have you got your sources for that?” 

That this injection is dangerous? That the noose of control is becoming alarmingly tight? That our freedom is under threat?

Well yes. Yes, I do. But more than that, I feel it. How deeply disconnected must we be to not feel that something is terribly wrong right now?

It takes the merest effort to carry out basic research that uncovers a torrent of evidence showing us that something is deeply ‘off’ about this pandemic. Not to mention having a basic understanding of psychology, history and a clear lens of perspective, free from a fear-warped and programmed mind.

Yet for this person, it was easier to shut down an opposing view with a condescending remark that it was to take into consideration what was being said and why.

This unconscious behaviour is what spurred me to write about it and, in particular, debunk the conspiracy around conspiracy theorists.

Where does the term conspiracy theorist originate from?

The notion of ‘conspiracies’ came to the fore in the 1960’s. Defined as ‘an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.’ In one fell swoop, any criticism of authority and power structures became lunatic conspiracies by the deranged on the fringes of society.

How clever, how machiavellian.

Ever since, authorities have used it to discredit alternative viewpoints to their agendas. The more that someone threatens the profits and power of those who currently possess the most profit and power, the more likely that person is to be smeared and censored, and using the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is a perfect way to do this.

What many don’t realise is that when we use the term ‘conspiracy theorist’, we aren’t even aware that we have been programmed to use that term. We think it’s a conscious choice, but it’s not. Everything we think, say and do stems from unconscious social conditioning that starts the day we’re born.

This term has been purposely planted in our minds as a deflection of truth and a mirror to the veil.

Our programming tells us that a conspiracy is clearly nonsense. A conspiracy is a blatant lie. A conspiracy is something we can turn our heads away and block out, knowing that it’s too far-fetched to ever be true. This is the programming.

To be aware of it is the first step to breaking through the glass ceiling of our perceived reality which is, in fact, all an illusion.

The unconscious use of the term ‘conspiracy theorist’

Most commonly used as a defence mechanism that we use in retaliation to hearing something uncomfortable that challenges and threatens our beliefs, it carries an unmistakable derogatory and condescending manner.

Like name calling in the playground, it shows neither moral superiority nor intelligence, merely a lack of it and childish ignorance. Our ego can’t handle being wrong. We go through life assured of our place, our correctness and rightness so when this is threatened our pride flares up and we become defensive.

Especially the intellectually superior in society who aren’t aware that intelligence is conditional and isn’t indicative of wisdom.

As someone wise once said “to denigrate something as conspiracy theory without having fully investigated the data is an act of cowardice. You cause an affront to those who offer the possibility that harm is being done to innocent people, just to avoid confrontation of your own fears of it being true.”

When confronted with unpalatable information that challenges our foundational belief systems, we feel threatened. We don’t want to acknowledge that there might be truth to it so we automatically deflect, rejecting it outright and labelling it a conspiracy, something to be avoided, shut down and blocked off.

Using the term puts us back in control and back into our safe illusion where everything makes sense and adheres to our personal narrative.

What is the real meaning of the term ‘conspiracy theorist’?

So let me redefine what the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ actually means. It represents free thinkers who are courageous, conscious and aware, acting from a place of love to expose the darkness in the world by shining the light of truth. It represents research, connecting deeply to intuition, time, effort, energy, patience, stamina and strength.

These people speaking out about the dangers of government control, the lethality of the injections and the precedents being set for a complete loss of freedom and bodily autonomy, do not do it for fun, financial gain or status. They do it for love.

Love for humanity. Love for all that is good and right in the world. Love for their family, friends and neighbours. Yet they lose so much; friends, family, clients, social inclusion and instead receive judgement, shaming, ridicule, hate and exclusion.

People have been exposing the evil, or so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ in this world for decades. They have delved into the darkest recesses of what humanity is capable of, consciously lifting the veil to see the world for what it is. Many know the veil exists but they don’t have the courage to look beyond it. These are the people who shout out ‘conspiracy theorist’.

These people are not brave, they are unconscious.

Is it a conspiracy that the injection is dangerous?

You have to be living in complete denial not to see that this injection is killing and injuring people in vast numbers.

Yet no mainstream media talks about it. There is no discussion. Information about #vaccineinjury is blocked on social media. Anyone who raises concerns is disciplined, censored or shut down. Doctors raising concerns are discredited.

Find the testimonials from those who have been affected by a medical injection which they were promised was ‘safe and effective’, who have no one to turn to because both the government and the pharmaceutical companies are exempt from liability. They are utterly harrowing.

And this is an injection which they are trying to make mandatory, starting with care home staff and NHS staff. Remember, making something mandatory for one group in society leads us down a slippery slope into setting the intent for it to be mandatory for all other groups in society.

What’s more, once you make one medical intervention mandatory, you set the precedent for the state to allow all medical interventions without your right to say no.

The truth about the injection

As a reminder, here’s some truth about the injection they want to force onto you, your children and society.

This is an injection that is still in its clinical trial.

This is an injection that is using technology never before used in humans.

This is an injection that, when tested on animals, caused most of them to die from immune enhancement.

This is an injection that the makers or government have no liability for.

This is an injection made by companies who have paid out billions in fraud and bribery.

This is an injection that the very founder of mRNA technology is extremely worried about

This is an injection which so far has killed thousands of people across the world and caused a mass of debilitating health conditions.

This is an injection that does not stop you from getting covid, dying from covid or transmitting covid. Latest government data shows that 62% of deaths have been from vaccinated individuals.

This is an injection that means you still have to quarantine, isolate, mask up and be tracked and traced.

This is an injection about which there is no debate, no pause for concern, no alternative opinions in the mainstream media

This is an injection that is for a virus that has a 99.97% survival rate.

This is an injection that still requires isolation, quarantine, testing, masks, track and trace and booster jabs.

This is an injection that promised freedom in exchange for our compliance. A pattern that’s been happening over and over and over again.

This is an injection that is being pushed despite safe and effective treatments being readily available.

This is an injection that doctors and scientists are speaking out against in their thousands yet are heavily attacked for doing so.

This is an injection which millions are protesting against because they know what it is and what it’s doing.

Vaccine passports and the conspiracy behind them

Am I a conspiracy theorist for thinking this injection is dangerous? No. It’s not a theory, it’s playing out right in front of us all on the world stage.

We naively assume that governments have only ever been evil, corrupt and manipulative in the past, that it would never happen in this day and age. This reminds me of something I read about the German public’s reaction to the concentration camps in Germany.

They absolutely refused to believe it was true, they thought that something so evil, so monstrous, so overwhelmingly terrifying, could never happen so close to home, in a civilised society like theirs. Most of them had to actually visit the camps to see and believe it with their own eyes, such was their level of denial. 

This same level of denial is running rampant in society right now. Look around you. Can you not see the corrupt, tyrannical dictatorships killing, torturing and imprisoning their citizens? As this article so eloquently points out, what reasonable person would continue to inhabit such a fantasy world?

So, keep on living in denial. Keep on calling me a conspiracy theorist. Keep on living unconsciously.

There are no winners, we all suffer if we all keep living in denial. And if you want to deny the so-called conspiracy that this injection is dangerous then tell that to the families of those victims who are have been irreversibly injured or killed.

Carry on exploring

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