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How to find balance when you feel out of balance

This world is a deeply overwhelming place to live in that tips us out of balance with effortless ease.

How unbalanced we feel depends on our state of emotional and physical wellbeing. If we are feeling safe, secure, grounded and confident, feeling out of balance isn’t usual.

However, if we are feeling unsafe, unrooted, low in confidence and anxious, the smallest thing can upset and unbalance us. If we’re tuned into the news, current affairs, social media and the lives of others, we will undoubtedly be feeling that sense of unbalance and unease.

Signs of feeling out of balance

Some of the most common signs of feeling out of balance include feeling stressed and overwhelmed, not knowing what to do next or where to focus your attention. Feeling out of balance can also mean not being able to concentrate on tasks, flitting from one thing to another, lacking focus and any form of healthy structure.

Another key sign is feeling floaty, spaced out and unable to clear the brain fog which is stopping you from seeing things with crystal clarity. On the other hand, an intense restless feeling is also a big sign of imbalance, like you’re running out of time and panicking about what you should be doing, need to be doing or haven’t done.

Feeling emotional, verging from feeling sad to stressed to irritated and back around is also a big indication of feeling out of balance.

Symptoms of feeling out of balance

Physically, there are also signs such as lack of sleep or very restless sleeping and waking early in the morning or throughout the night.

You can feel a lack of balance in your digestion too, perhaps having an upset feeling in your center around your stomach and solar plexus area which might feel tight and restricted.

How you’re breathing is also a big sign, in particular if it’s light, quick and you’re unable to catch your breath. Feeling ungrounded and out of balance can stem from feeling unsafe which is all to do with your root chakra. This is connected to your bladder and kidney meridians so you might be going to the loo more often, feeling dehydrated or experiencing dizziness.

So how can you find balance when you’re feeling out of balance. Below are some of the key ways to restore a sense of balance and grounding to your life based on what works for me when I’m feeling deeply out of balance. All you need to do is try them and the rest will fall into place.

Find balance by going for a walk

When you feel out of balance you need to get out of your environment.

It is so astoundingly simple and basic but going for a walk does wonders for feeling ungrounded and unbalanced. Firstly, walking gets you away from your situation. Perhaps it’s staring at a computer trying to start something. Perhaps it’s wondering around the house not sure what to do with yourself. Or perhaps it’s flitting from one thing to another and getting nothing done.

Getting outside brings peace, clarity and perspective. It allows your mind to breathe. Being in nature is so powerfully potent in raising our vibration and energy, not to mention the wonderful effects of physical movement as getting the lymph flowing around your body clears stagnation, regulates your breathing and shifts stagnant energy.

Find balance through grounding and hydration

I’ve put these two together as they work so beautifully combined.

A dehydrated body is a stressed body and a stressed body equals a very stressed mind. This is why hydrating is so important, it flushes out what we no longer need. Water is cleansing, when we bathe in it and also when we drink it. It is the essential element that keeps us alive so don’t underestimate its power.

Drink a large glass of water and then make some herbal tea to drink outside with your bare feet on the ground because grounding is one of the best things you can do to balance. As you stand on the ground or grass, shut your eyes, drink your tea and use your senses to be perfectly present.

Just stopping, even for 5 minutes, can shift you from feeling out of balance and right back into your center point of calm.

Find balance by shifting your energy

There are a couple of really simple and easy ways to shift your energy from out of balance to back in balance through working with energy - we are energetic beings living in a world made up of energy after all!

Find somewhere to sit, away from anything that stresses you; your laptop, phone, a person, noise etc, and place one hand on your lower occipital area at the base of your skull, and one hand over your forehead. As you do this, breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and breathe out for 8 seconds and repeat. This is an incredibly comforting and nurturing way to shift your energy from unbalanced and frantic to balanced and calm.

You can also create a mantra to repeat which can be something like: I am calm, I am balanced, I am grounded, I am safe and I am loved. All is well in my world. This is self-care at its very best.

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Carry on exploring

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