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5 signs you're opening up to higher consciousness

We’re all on the journey home; the journey to understanding the truth of who we are, our purpose here and why we’ve incarnated into this life.

Some call this journey the journey of spiritual awakening, for others it’s a path towards oneness, and for me I call it a journey to higher consciousness.

When we open ourselves up to higher consciousness, we are merely expanding our awareness of what ‘is’ and what ‘isn’t’. It’s as if the veil that separates illusion and reality slowly shifts, so that we have a far clearer understanding of the true multidimensional nature of our reality and the core of who we are.

And this multidimensional reality is so beautiful, so wonderful and so joyful to be conscious of at last. It’s as if our life suddenly starts making sense and we no longer feel so alone, abandoned and separate from life.

Everyone on their spiritual path of growth is moving towards this state of being, so here are five signs that you are opening up to higher consciousness and what effect this might have on your life.

You start to become aware of the ego and the soul

The first sign that we’re activating a greater level of consciousness is through the awareness of who we really are.

I’ve written about the ego and the soul before, several years ago when my understanding of it wasn’t as rich as it is now, but knowing how both operate in our life is a powerful point of our spiritual journey.

When we incarnated we forgot it all.

We forgot where we came from, why we came here and who we really were. No wonder babies coming out of the womb crying, it’s not just the shock and trauma of leaving the safety of our mother’s womb, but I believe it’s the last attempt to hold onto what we remember, as we are born into a completely new reality.

Our soul is here to evolve and ascend back to love, but has been given a limitation, and that is the ego. The ego isn’t wrong or bad, it’s merely something that keeps us limited, small and tries to keep us safe.

It sees everything as separate, and so desperately fears change, and the potential loss of control, that it would rather remain stuck in the programming that keeps our souls trapped in lives that limit our freedom, joy and fulfilment.

It might be a self-sabotaging behaviour or a hidden subconscious ego agenda, whatever it is that is causing limitations in our lives, it is only when we become aware of them that we can start to release them. And this is exactly what I do in Divine Healing.

If you’re aware that you have some limiting beliefs and deeply ingrained subconscious behaviours that are blocking your expansion, then you are already on the path to opening up to higher consciousness.

You begin connecting to your intuition

The second sign that you’re on the path of expansion and higher consciousness is through the acknowledgement of your inner guidance, what many of us call our intuition.

Our intuition is like our inner guidance system, it helps us to follow the path of least resistance and allows us to flow with far more ease and grace through our life, than if we’re constantly trying to force or control our journey, causing us so much suffering.

The enemy of intuition is the mind, or the ego, which tries to block out the subtle, quiet, intuitive nudges with the loud chattering and constant overthinking that keep us stuck in rigid and limiting beliefs.

So, the more you heal the ego programmes that are behind the chatter of the mind, the more you can feel into your intuition and follow where it is guiding you.

Very often, the loudest chattering from the mind comes from fear and low self-esteem which can hamper all of us, tying us in panicked knots and tripping us up without us even realising they’re running the show. This is why healing these low frequency ego programmes is so freeing for our path of spiritual growth. When we quieten them down and soothe the ego, showing it compassion, love and understanding, the more freely we can hear our intuitive guidance coming from within.

Most often we connect with our intuition when we empty our minds and let ourselves rest from overthinking and over-analysing, but we can also hear it more loudly when we are in nature, when we are in a state of relaxation and when we are more grounded into the body.

If you are still working on tuning into your intuition, as I also am, all of these things will help you to connect more deeply with it so you can begin to align to path of your highest calling, which is based on love, rather than the path of the egoic mind which is based on fear.

Your start noticing coincidences, signs and signals

The third sign that tells you that you’re opening up to higher consciousness is the newfound awareness of coincidences, signs and signals that show up in your reality.

These could look like angel numbers, which are invitations to tune into the portal of your heart and notice what you’re feeling, inviting you to go deeper at this moment. They are also signs to pay attention, signs of encouragement that you’re on the right path, and signs of clarification, giving us the answers when we need them most.

Angel numbers could look like seeing 2:22 on the clock, page 111 in a book, or it could be 333 on a sign post. Any number that repeats itself three times is an angel number and all have slightly different meanings, and here is a handy guide if you haven’t come across them before.

Alongside the wonder of angel numbers, you might also notice coincidences happening more and more frequently. I don’t believe there’s any such thing as a random coincidence but it’s when you start to notice them that the magic really happens.

We go through life blind to the subtle signs the universe is continually throwing down to us, but it’s when we start opening up our awareness, doing the deep healing and connecting to our intuition that opens us up to the higher frequencies that help us see what’s right in front of us.

I’ve had so many wonderful experiences of these that I’ve lost count but perhaps you too have noticed things falling into your lap just when you needed them, opportunities and people turning up that take you in a new direction, or clear signs of affirmation in the most random of places that help you make decisions and choices.

Opportunities start opening up for you

The fourth sign that you’re beginning to open up to higher consciousness is the newfound connections and opportunities that present themselves to you.

Once you initiate the process of expanding your consciousness and a commitment to a return home to spirit, then the universe moves for you and begins to present you with opportunities that will take you exactly where you are meant to be.

Yet, it’s only when we notice the coincidences, signs and signals, and actually begin following them through connecting to our intuition, free from the overthinking fearful thoughts of the mind, that we can truly open ourselves to the possibility of something greater.

It might look like an opportunity to take a job, to train in a course, to travel somewhere new, or even something as small as reading a particular book or taking a chance on trying something new.

The beauty of this life is that it’s only when we look back that we can connect the dots that have led us to precisely where we are now. We have no idea of the vast magnitude of thoughts, decisions and experiences that have led us to this present point.

I believe we all end up where we’re meant to be on this path (which is why Soul Contract Readings are so helpful for getting us there faster), but some dots take us on more convoluted paths to get here, depending on how intuitively we flow with our soul.

If you’ve reached a point where you’re beginning to experience the freedom of choosing opportunities that align you to the path of your highest potential, and ultimate expansion of your soul, then you are indeed opening yourself up to higher consciousness that will continue to carry you further onwards.

It’s these life experiences, connections with people and aligned opportunities that nourish your soul on multiple levels and bring you closer to who you truly are.

You feel at peace with who you are

The last sign that shows you that you are opening up to an expanded state of being, or a higher level of consciousness, is the ability to transcend your limitations and allow yourself to truly exist in this present moment of time, free from worry from the past and clear of anxiety of future fears, just being here in this moment of time.

It is a feeling of joy and gratitude that comes from a place of deep appreciation of yourself and the world around you.

Often, for many lightworkers, we have this homesickness and urge to go home. We’ve all chosen to incarnate on this planet at this time to assist in the ascension, yet we’ve forgotten that, and now we’ve found ourselves stuck in the density of this 3D reality, we just don't want to be here.

This can cause a lot of resistance that clouds our mind and blocks us from tuning into the simple pleasures of life.

For me, this has been the hardest one to tune into but when you find yourself able to lean back, take in the enormity of wonder in your life and just be at peace with who you are and your place on earth, everything feels better.

It’s like a powerful realisation that life is just a game, and we’re all players. When you see reality through this lens of perception everything feels easier, more manageable, more blissful and more expansive. You’re no longer blinkered by the fear of death, because there is no death.

And, the more you can lean into the place of acceptance, peace and understanding, the more joyful life will become because this is the vibration you are emitting out to the world.

So, keep smiling your radiant smile and opening yourself up the beauty that is your divine, magnificent self. You are here to ascend and you are well on your way.

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Carry on exploring

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