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How to slow down when you're always in a rush

There’s a certain type of person in the world who can’t slow down.

We whizz around, darting here and there, like busy bees, making sure the loose ends are tied up, all the jobs on the to-do lists are ticked off and everything is where it’s meant to be.

We like control, order and to maintain a sense of calm, yet we’re often in a state of frazzled chaos as we desperately try to squeeze as much as we can into the day as possible.

This can end up making life seem like a constantly swinging seesaw between rushing around in a panic and being so tired that we just can’t be bothered to do anything.

When we can’t slow down and are always in a rush there’s usually some other energies, programmes and beliefs hiding just below the surface. Sometimes we’re conscious of them, and most of the time we’re not

Part of the joy of being in this world is the journey of self-discovery and understanding ourselves on a deeper level so we can make life easier, more joyful and more peaceful for ourselves as we work through whatever is holding us back.

The numbers in your Soul Contract

If you’ve been reading about your Soul Contract, you’ll know that the number behind this rushing energy is the beautiful 12-3. I have two of them in my chart, meaning that the energies are intensified and I’m always trying to fit in as much as I can into each day.

Every number in your Soul Contract contains a balance of the negative and positive expression of the energy, and sometimes we can swing wildly between the two.

If you’re someone who is constantly in a rush, wanting to finish things off and cram in as much as you can each day, without really being aware of why you’re like this and resenting how busy you are, then you most likely have this 12-3 energy in your chart.

(And, if you don’t know what your chart means, no fear, you can get your chart for free here so you can start to understand what’s going on. Then, if you’d like a little help decoding it, you can book a Live Reading or a Mini Reading with me.)

Now, there’s two really interesting things going on in the 12-3 energy. The first is that the 12 constantly wants to expand, it’s like this innate need to grow and explore. Yet, the caveat of this number is that we have to expand in a healthy, balanced and grounded way.

If we don’t then all sorts of obstacles pop up into our reality that stop us from expanding. This could look like physical illness, burnout (which is incredibly common with this number) or some kind of block in our reality that we can’t budge.

The second super interesting energy that’s going on here comes from the 3. The 3 is all about teaching, coming out of hiding and bringing soul knowledge out into the world to share it with others.

However, the 3 is also all about self-worth, so often the energy that’s driving your busyness is poor self-esteem that convinces you that the more you work, the more you achieve and the more that you fit in, the worthier you are.

This is the backwards thinking that sadly pervades in the world today. Even from school we’re told the harder we work the better, that resting is lazy and life is a competition that we have to win.

No wonder so many of us are burnt out, overwhelmed and frazzled in our constant efforts to achieve.

So, if you’re someone who is always in a rush, constantly busy and needing to fill their days, without knowing why it happens, then there might be some 12-3 energy going on in the background that makes it so hard to slow down.

The more you slow down the more you receive

What I’ve recently been learning is that the more we slow down and lean back, allow ourselves to rest and relax into the perfection of the present moment, without feeling any need to push, burn or force our life faster than its natural pace, the more we open up our energy to receive.

It’s the hardest lesson to learn but once we get it, and begin to witness the dramatic transformations it has on our health our wealth and our all-round wellbeing, the more we can start to understand its power.

When we rush, we aren’t living in the present moment, we are living in the future and thinking about all things that need to get done. It’s very rare in this state that we find any time to stop, slow down and appreciate what we’re doing at that very moment.

One of the ways we bring ourselves out of a state of being busy is to understand the programming going on under the surface that is pushing on us to keep constantly moving and rushing around.

Usually it’s this 3 energy of self-esteem that is inviting us to tend to ourselves with more love and compassion, which will allow us to rest and take life a little slower, but there’s another energy going on too.

For a long time I’ve known that I’ve had a big subconscious thorn in my side that I just can’t shake, and that’s a belief in a lack of time.

In reality, there is no time. We are infinite beings; spirit made manifest in human form to experience our own consciousness and begin the journey of going back to source, or what I call love. Yet in this little earthly existence time is everything.

We worry about time passing us by, we angst about there never being enough time to get everything done, and most of all we stress that time will eventually run out. This is a core fear of the 12-3 energy, that I feel very deeply, as we have so much we want to do in this lifetime and the time we’ve been given just doesn’t seem like enough.

How to let go of the fear of time running out

This fear of lack of time can be particularly painful when we’re so conscious of all the things we haven’t yet done, the paths we haven’t yet explored and the journeys we still have to start, which is why we can always be in a rush.

The trick is to lean back and really trust that everything is working out for us and that the path we’re on is the one we’re meant to be on. Everything in the present moment is perfect, therefore, when we look back at the past in sadness or forwards into the present with anxiousness, we are splitting ourselves from the magic that is right in front of us.

Trusting in a future that hasn’t yet happened can feel dangerous, scary and stupid, yet none of us have a choice to do anything but that. Yes, we can plan and analyse and stress so that we’re never caught out by the future, but life doesn’t work that way. Change rushes up to us on a constant basis, like waves reaching the shore, to pull us into the divine matrix of reality, time and time again.

When I’m in a rush there’s a mantra I just love to speak out loud, and it’s simply “I have all the time in the world to get everything done that really needs to get done” and it’s saying this that gives me some space in my chest to breathe.

Sometimes it’s all about perspective, we just need to zone out of the minutiae of our lives for the briefest of moments to see the bigger picture showing us that everything is good, life is holding us and we’re ok.

And when we get really busy and in a rush, we just need to tap into the core emotion that’s pushing on us to be so busy and get acquainted with it and what it’s trying to tell us.

Are we busy because we feel we need to prove ourselves? Are we in a rush because we’re not being kind or compassionate enough to ourselves to ground, rest and relax? Are we moving too fast because we’re too focused on the future and imagining that life will be better there if only we work harder now?

Once you get in tune with yourself and start to understand the programming that’s causing the stress and strain in your life then you can start to heal it so you can start coming back to a place of balance that allows you to expand, grow and uplevel your life with the utmost grace and ease.

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Carry on exploring

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