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How to free yourself

It’s much easier to add than it is to take away.

We add layers to our lives; material and non-material, thinking we’re getting closer to the core of what we truly desire. In reality, we suffocate ourselves under the heap of additional clutter and distractions.

Our lives don’t become more stream-lined, we don’t move closer to our deepest longings, the day-to-day becomes more stressful and those desires become more blurry than ever.

Five layers we’re all guilty of adding

1. Products

It’s easier to add supplements and medications than it is to lose the bad habits and patterns that keep us in a state of ill health. We add more and more things; super foods, super supplements, latest trends, fads and feel-good products, when often we actually just need to take some of the unhealthier things out and take it back to basics.

While they can be life-saving, we can easily overburden our bodies with medication, without giving them a chance to do what they do best by taking away the emotional, physical and energetic imbalances which feed the problem.

2. Trends

It’s easier to add to our belief systems, attaching onto the latest trends, cultish movements, concepts and conspiracies rather than breaking down and letting go of the deeply ingrained belief systems we already have pre-installed.

There needs to be room to embrace new learnings yet when our minds are already so crammed of righteousness and rigid thinking, there is none. Casting out for ways to understand only gets us caught up in the net.

We’re too eager and greedy to know it all. All we really need is to be still and let all assumptions go, leaving space to let what intuitively feels good and true to rise within us.

3. Posessions

It’s easier to buy new things than it is to strip down. All we’re doing is filling the emptiness within with materialist longing. We receive a short burst of joy when we buy something, that quickly disappears, leaving us with additional things, bits and bobs that we don’t need, let alone truly desire.

This further disorganises our life, cluttering up both the physical and energetic space. It’s the matrix-special brand of advertising that feeds into our wounds of self-esteem and deepest fear of lack.

Don’t believe it, you are whole as you are. When you declutter and lose the baggage, rather than adding in more, you free yourself up and your potential becomes limitless.

4. Current events

It’s easier to add complexities and complications to our lives than it is to release the trauma that we can’t bear to look at. We’d rather distract ourselves with current events, the state of the world, idle gossip and celebrity drama.

We’ll layer any emotional conflict onto our already-burdened lives, immersing ourselves in the external goings-ons, to avoid the pain and effort of looking inwards. It’s all a distraction, especially what’s happening in the world now.

This is the challenge, to go inwards, release our fixation on the external and relish in the freedom you’ll discover.

5. Spiritual crutches

It’s easier to add means and methods to our spiritual toolkit, than it is to take the distractions away. We use them as crutches, not realising that they are further leading us astray, feeding into the misguided belief that we aren’t capable of standing strong and firm without their support.

Yes, they can be aids for our growth, but they are all external and at some point, we have to let them go and realise they further distract our attention outwards rather than inwards.

The Divine is within, we are all sparks of the same soul, there is no need for external props. They are fun but wholly unecessary.

It’s not just you, it’s me too

Hands up, I’m guilty of all of the above.

I buy a ton of supplements rather than cutting out the crap and going back to the absolute basics. I absolutely love cramming my head with ideas rather than doing the tough inner work of breaking down my pre-conceived assumptions.

I buy things I don’t truly desire or need. I am thoroughly distracted by the state of the world, just look at my recent writings. I lean heavily on spiritual teachings from my favourite authors, forgetting I can stand up straight on my own, grounded in my own spiritual union with the Divine.

But hey, I’m not perfect and neither are you. I just share where I’m at on the path.

Life is a game, a learning curve we can cut our teeth on. We’re here to enjoy it so, take every experience and roll with it. Lose the layers and see how beautifully this life will open up to you, the curious and brave one.

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Carry on exploring

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