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How did it get to ‘my body your choice’?

I feel like it’s time to gently highlight some important issues around personal responsibility and individual choice. Issues which have been drowned out from healthy debate and shamed into silence from the fear-driven amongst us.

This is not an article to justify, defend or explain the reasoning behind the decision not to have the mRNA injection. It is also not an article breaking down the mechanics of my thought process to feed the curious.

It is, however, a small plea to remember the essence of our humanity.

To remember that personal choice is an essential cornerstone of our existence, one which is under dire threat from those whose fear has surpassed all level of reasoning and become lost in the basic understanding of what it means to be free.

Fear clouds the mind and distorts reality

I understand why some of us are so fearful. A year of watching the news, absorbing the statistics, fearing the touch and breath of another human being and living in isolated bubbles with no end in sight is enough to form a terrifying reality.

Yet, let’s not forget how fear blinds us. It causes us to react, rather than respond. It clouds our thinking. We all need to have awareness of how fear drives us and how desperate we can become under its influence. With awareness comes understanding and rationality.

Fear is not my reality. I’ve chosen not to let it become my path. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel fear, oh I very much do, but I don’t let it drive my actions or cloud my thought.

When we are free from fear we can begin to allow different perspectives to filter in, shifting and softening our interpretation of what ‘is’ and opening our hearts and minds up to alternative viewpoints. Yet sadly, we’ve reached a point where the fear of many is driving a newfound agenda of blame and shame.

Peer pressure and emotional blackmail

I decided to write this article, not for myself, but for others who may be feeling alone and separated from society due to their choices. If someone points a finger at me demanding why I’m not ‘jabbing’ myself, I am more than happy to bat that accusatory finger away, shrug it off and get on with my life.

Yet, there are many who are under tremendous amounts of peer pressure to have the jab when they know, deep in their hearts, that it’s not something that feels instinctively right for them to do.

The emotional blackmail comes from family who refuse to see them, friends who shun them from their social circle, alongside the ever-present pressure from governmental agencies who dangle the juicy promise of ending lockdowns as soon as we all have it. Sure.

The society we are living in is deeply unkind, not to mention one that is ripe for blaming, shaming and recrimination against the injection-hesitant. While I fully expected this to happen, it’s still fairly disheartening that we’ve reached this stage.

We all chose to interpret truth into our version of reality

I have, in the past, used the term ‘my truth’ to carefully share my experience of the events of the past year. Yet what I’ve realised is that there is only one truth, that’s all there can be, and we all sit at different points on a spectrum, viewing it with different lenses of interpretation that shape our reality.

I don’t tend to share my view because it’s not my place to tell you what I see. You can only see it for yourself. I also don’t share it because my understanding of reality has been carefully assembled from a million different experiences that, when put together, form a whole picture.

To explain to someone why I don’t want to have this injection is akin to giving them a few pieces of a million-piece jigsaw puzzle. The whole picture makes no sense without the context of all the other pieces.

What I do instead, is to live my life as consciously and authentically as I can. From the thoughts I think, to the words I speak, to the actions I take. They all align with my core values and my interpretation of reality. I’m not interested in shaming or judging those that choose differently because I believe in personal choice, personal responsibility and personal freedom.

Is fear driving your thoughts, words and actions?

Yet, these are the very themes that are being side-lined in society’s desperation and fear to protect itself, to get back to ‘normal’, to cling to its sanity. A new breed of virtue signaling is running rampant through society and it’s quite something to behold.

While there are many themes that we can explore regarding the choice of what we put into our bodies, the culprit is always the same. Fear is always the driver for our lowest and basest actions and it can be seen, never more so, than in the vehement blaming, shunning and shaming against those who believe in personal choice and personal responsibility.

This is not an article to explain how I’m right and you’re wrong in my interpretation of current events. It is a call for reasoning. A call to check in with yourself and your behaviour towards others making a choice that is different to yours.

Is it fear driving your thoughts, words and actions, or is it love? They are vastly different. One I respect and one I don’t.

Shaming, blaming and shunning

Everyone I know who has made a conscious choice not to have the injection has based it on their own research, critical thinking, intuition and interpretation of events leading up to this point. Good for them. To blame and shame, by those who have done little to no research and blindly placed all of their trust outside of themselves and into the hands of others, is deeply concerning behaviour.

I don’t care to explain why I don’t want it anywhere near me. It’s not my job to explain and neither is it my duty. And this is the crux of it. I shouldn’t have to defend or justify my decision to satisfy somone’s curiosity or allay their fears.

Furthermore, to be shamed, blamed and shunned for not making the same choice as another defies the very essence and experience of being an individual with the ability to make personal choices that we believe are in the best interests of our wellbeing.

If I decide that, in order to be healthy, I will not inject myself with a cocktail of experimental chemicals that has a staggeringly high death and injury rate and an unprecedented amount of adverse ‘side’ effects, not to mention still in its clinical trials with no long-term safety data or liability from manufacturers, in lieu of my immune system doing what it was made to do, then that’s a choice I make. If you choose to have it then that is a choice you make and I fully accept that.

As Aretha Franklin so eloquently hollers, let’s have some ‘R-E-S-P-E-C-T’ for both decisions.

My body, my choice or my body, your choice?

I will not bow down at the altar of someone else’s fear. If our fear is driving us to shame and manipulate others to make choices that are not in their best interests to help us feel safe, then we need to check in with ourselves.

Is it my body, my choice? Or is it my body, your choice? It’s a hard one to tell these days.

We are rapidly reaching a point where anyone who choses natural healthcare, trusting their bodies, rational fear-free thinking and personal responsibility will be turned on. Not only by friends and family but also by government taskforces with the sole aim of eradicating ‘misinformation’ and jab hesitancy. Scary stuff indeed.

I can’t believe it’s reached the point where we need to state the obvious but every person has the legal right to decline the use of an experimental product still in clinical trial. Add to which, it hasn’t been proven to reduce transmission as that wasn’t the purpose of clinical trials, it doesn’t stop us catching it and it certainly won’t be giving us back our basic human rights. That opporunity disappeared the moment we gave them up.

If we aren’t aware of these basic facts by now then it’s a bleak situation indeed. All this information is readily available for anyone to find. Those who are seeking it out are the ones turning away from this injection and it’s no coincidence whatsoever.

A target for hate and fear

The momentum is building where finger pointing and leper-style shunning will become commonplace until more and more of us start questioning our reality, rather than swallowing the information fed to us by unknown hands with unknown agendas.

We can already see it already in the newspaper headlines. They are dangling a further lockdown over our heads and pointing the finger of blame at those saying ’no thanks, I’ll pass’.

As if there wasn’t enough peer pressure, coercion, bribery and blackmail already, a further plan to paint a giant target on our backs for society to throw their shame and blame at, is something utterly expected but, none the less, utterly disappointing.

Carry on exploring

See this gallery in the original post