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I’m on the no poke side and here’s 10 reasons why

Everyone is free to make their own choices. I stand by this with every fibre of my being.

Though, as a caveat, I believe there is such huge peer pressure from society, the authorities and our social circles, that I feel people are making a rushed choice, out of fear and uncertainty, rather than out of an educated knowledge of the risks.

This is why I’m writing this.

Not to argue, justify or defend. Merely to share my views. And if someone doesn’t like what I write, that’s fine by me, I’m not looking for anyone’s approval.

This shouldn’t be a divisive opinion, but it sadly is. Standing up for what we believe to be good and true has never created so much tension, yet this particular subject does. Why is that?

Before we start, of course this article is baised, just read the title. I won’t pretend to write a balanced argument, I have no interest in doing that. If you want the pros you can find them yourself.

I wrote this to share with anyone who’s feeling uncertain about having the injection. Perhaps there’s a small niggle of discomfort or a feeling of unease that won’t go away. This is your intuition speaking to you and I advise you to listen to it.

The internet is a minefield of information. There is the mainstream narrative peddled by the usual news outlets and there is also a whole host of information which is not based on truth or fact. Discerning between them is vital. Ultimately, we all need to tap into our intuition to figure out and follow what feels true and right for us. No one can do this for us.

No, I’m not a doctor. Neither am I a virologist, immunologist, neurologist or policy maker trained in contagion theory or pandemics. No one is all of these things and it doesn’t mean I’m not able to gather and critically review information to educate myself on making a truly informed decision. 

Everyone has these capabilities. 

You don’t need to agree with what I write but my motives for sharing this information are completely pure. I’m motivated by love. Love for my friends and family who I deeply care for, and for humanity as a whole. My passion is helping people to heal, not to stop them from being well.

NO. 1

Firstly, it’s not a vaccine. A vaccine is made from viral matter which is then injected in small, weakened doses for the body’s immune system to create antibodies.

No covid injection contains the viral particle proven to cause covid because the isolated viral particle proven to cause covid has never been found. The Pfizer and Moderns injections are mRNA technology. The mRNA vaccine is a synthetic "messenger" RNA strand that converts genetic information within DNA. 

The Astrazeneca injection is adenovirus-vectored technology, carrying a genetic material from the novel coronavirus’ spike protein orginally from a virus that affects chimpanzees. Yes, chimpanzees.

mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines theoretically work by injecting viral mRNA into the body, where it replicates inside your cells and encourages your body to recognise, and make antigens for, the “spike proteins” of the virus. They have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use. 

A viral immunologist has recently admitted that these spike proteins are far more dangerous than previously thought and are the cause of damage to the cardiovascular system once they get into the circulation.

They have never tested this technology in humans before. Furthermore, all animal trials have resulted in disaster with most of the animals dying from immune enhancement and it has been cited in studies that “caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated”. 

NO. 2

Remember being told to avoid experimenting with drugs as a teenager? I believe this message is even more pertinent today than it has ever been because these injections are not licensed and they are, in fact, still in their clinical trials until as late as 2023.

They have been authorised on a temporary basis under government regulations called 'emergency use authorisation'.

Normally vaccines take 8-10 years to study the mid-term data on efficacy and effects yet these were rushed through in 9 months, bypassing long term trials, animal trials and regulatory approval.

There is no safety data on these injections and their interaction with medication or with those who have health conditions or are immunocompromised. There has also been no testing on pregnant women yet all these groups are all encouraged to have the jab. There have been 70 spontaneous abortions according to Pfizer’s data and 63 with Astrazeneca in the UK alone.

NO. 3

The companies making these injections have no liability, neither do the governments, for any injuries or deaths. If you suffer any effects you are on your own.

Did you know that Pfizer was sued for £2.3bn for marketing fraud and bribery a few years ago? Also, J&J knew asbestos was in their baby powder for years and continued to market and sell it, despite the risks of those using it. These are the companies people are trusting. 

I just don’t trust them.

These companies are in the business of making money, not health. Covid-19 “vaccines” are set to become the most lucrative drugs in history, with an estimate of over $40 billion in sales this year alone through advance purchase orders from various governments

NO. 4

Have you seen the latest effects from the jab ( these are not side effects, these are actual effects) and deaths too? 

Here's Pfizer's and here's Astrazeneca’s. This is just in the UK. More people in the US have died, as a result of the jab, than in 9/11 (over 5000 at the last count). It is also estimated only 1% actually report any side effects to VAERS or any yellow card adverse effects reporting system. 

In Europe, deaths from the injection have reached over 15,000. If these are the effects and death rates immediately after the jab, what effects might come out later down the line? 

The possible health consequences later down the line greatly concern me.

The first man to receive it in the UK recently died of a stroke and there have been many other deaths not reported in the media. Not just older people but younger too, such as the 44 year old Lisa Shaw. Have a good scroll down this link to see some headlines. 

NO. 5

So why is this injection, which is supposed to be good for your health, having such devastating consequences? 

I don’t believe that these side effects that people are experiencing are proving the vaccine is doing its job. As per my first point, these injections do not work the same way as vaccines. There is no isolated viral matter being injected into your body that might cause the immune system to mount a response which gives you virus-like symptoms. 

Surely there is no reason to have any side effects because the body is not learning to fight off a virus as there is no viral matter going into your body?

I feel these effects are telling us that something is wrong. It’s the body’s way of getting our attention, like a fire alarm in a burning building. It’s our body screaming at us that something isn’t right.

NO. 6

There is heavy-handed coercion from society to receive an injection and “do your part”. Yet what does it actually mean if you have it?

Firstly, you still catch and transmit covid after you've had the injection. None of the trials tested for prevention of infection or transmission, there is no data for this. You are not saving or protecting anyone by having it. There is also no data on how long you are protected for when you have it. Urging vaccination to “protect others” literally has no basis in fact.

If you want to have it to protect yourself, great, but don’t pretend you are getting it to save other people. This is virtue signaling at its very worst.

You also still have to social distance, test, isolate, track & trace, wear a mask and quarantine. Why do you need the injection if you are not sick and having it doesn’t stop you catching it or transmitting something you have to be tested for to even know you have? Think of the logic.

Yes people have died with Covid. Yes some are more vulnerable to illness than others. Yet, it is not your responsibility to protect them. Each individual is responsible for their health and their health alone, you cannot protect them, especially not with this injection.

Take that responsibility off your shoulders right now, no one should be carrying that burden.

NO. 7

The whole focus has been on the vaccination drive. Does anyone stop to question why there has been little to no focus on immunity, treatment or prevention? 

The data shows that the majority of those who died with covid had pre-existing conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Yet while gyms and fitness centers had to close during lockdowns, fast-food outlets could remain open. Around the world, the public are being bribed to take the jab with ice cream, beer, lottery tickes and donuts.

Sure, it’s about health.

Where is the government’s drive on prevention and treatment? Treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Lysine have had no media coverage. Let alone helping the immune system with natural supplements such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc, and not to mention the basics of nutrition and fitness.

Why is there no focus on immune health full stop?

Our bodies are the most intricately designed powerhouses of creative intelligence and we are treating them like they are vulnerable, weak and susceptible to illness, no matter how you look after them. At this point, exploring germ theory versus terrain theory is worth diving into.

You have survived life thus far. This is no coincidence. This is your immune system doing its job.

NO. 8

Why is there no healthy debate about this huge vaccination drive, listing the pros and cons and weighing in the advice from those who advocate for it and those who advocate a different approach? 

Why is there censorship and targeted campaigns against vaccine hesitancy, such as this one a whistleblower from facebook has recently shared?

Why is speaking out against the harm these injections are doing a potential form of domestic terrorism

Why are the opinions on the narrative from respected and experienced physicians labelled as disinformation?

Why is social media de-platforming and shutting down any groups or individuals who don't agree that vaccines are "safe and effective" using fact checking companies with links to the same pharmaceutical companies selling the injections?

Why are doctors who speak out about the potential harm of these injections being threatened?

Why is anyone raising concerns labelled as ‘anti-science’ when science is defined as “the pursuit and application of knowledge”. Pursuing answers is the very definition of science.

Added to which, using derogatory terms such as anti-vaxx, conspiracy theorist and anti-science is manipulative labelling, as childish as name-calling in the playground.

Why do protests around the world, and in central London, with hundreds of thousands of protesters get no mainstream media coverage? 

Why are the hashtags #naturalimmunity #vaccinesaftey and #vaccineinjury blocked on Instagram? 

Why is anyone speaking out about this shamed, shunned, discredited and ignored?

NO. 9

Making a choice that honors your intuition and supports your health is not selfish.

Selfishness is pushing your agenda on others through fear. I have no hesitation in saying that, while everyone likes to think how kind and compassionate the world has become over the past year, it’s the most selfish I’ve ever seen

There is a huge amount of pressure from society, the government and peers to take this experimental injection but you have a right to say no.

People who don't want the injection aren't 'refusing' it. You don't say a person is 'refusing' to take antidepressants or 'refusing' to get married or 'refusing' to drink alcohol. You can decline without refusing. You decide what's best for you. 

Refuse is a manipulative term, loaded with unfair moral pressure.

Taking any form of medical intervention is a private and personal choice. If you don't want it, don't take it. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. It’s not ‘my body, your choice’.

What’s more, it’s come out that the government has been using unethical fear as a tool of manipulation. So what other manipulative tools do you think they’ve been using on you in the last 14 months? The psychological effect of fear and totalitarian measures on the public for an entire year cannot be underestimated or neglected. 

NO. 10

You think it's only conspiracy theorists, mums of vaccine-injured children and ‘anti-vaxxers’ (oh how I hate that term) who are worried about the injection and are speaking out? Not so. 

There are thousands of medical professionals around the world risking their livelihoods to speak out such as Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer UK, all the doctors in the World Doctor’s Alliance and in America’s frontline Doctors , Dolores Cahill, Dr Malcom Kendrick. There’s so many others. If you’re interested, go find them. It’s not my job to find them for you.

Hint, they’re hanging out on Telegram.

The moral pressure of unfulfilled promises

There are many promises being made that if you have the injection you’ll be able to travel or the lockdowns will end. Some will say that we all need to have it to ‘do our part’ and get us ‘back to normal’. 

I will call this out right now by reminding you of all the promises that we’ve been fed for the last 15 months that have been used to get us to do something. Here we go.

It's only 3 weeks to flatten the curve, so do it. It's only a mask, so wear it. It's only one lockdown, we’ll be back to normal after. It's only to save Christmas, we’ll be back to normal after. It's only two lockdowns, we’ll be back to normal after. It's only to ease the strain on the NHS, so follow the rules. It's only three lockdowns, we’ll be back to normal after. It's only a vaccine, you’ll be free after. It's only until the vulnerable are vaccinated, then we can open the country. It's only until the over 40's are vaccinated, then we can open the country. It's only until everyone is vaccinated, then we can open the country. It's only two vaccines, then we can get back to normal. It's only a booster jab, then we can get back to normal.

Weren’t all restrictions absolutely promised to be lifted on June 21st? Wasn’t the roadmap our ‘irreversable’? On and on it goes.

Have you seen the news of a third wave filtering in through the mainstream media? Have you noted the different variants threatening the June 21st relaxing of rules? Perhaps come to your own conclusions as to where this pattern might end up.

Hesitant? I don’t think so

I am not vaccine-hesitant. There’s no uncertainty or hesitancy in my position. I am vaccine-avoidant. I don’t want it anywhere near me.

I’ve been feeling for a long time that covering up our respiratory channels and depleting our bodies of oxygen, injecting ourselves with untested technology for an illness we don’t have and isolating and avoiding human connection and touch does not signify health to me.

This is where I happily stand. I have no interest in forcing anyone to stand alongside me. We can all stand where we choose. That is the beauty of freedom and choice.

If you feel inclined to explore further I recommend Duckduckgo over Google, Bitchute over Youtube and Telegram over Instagram due to the high levels of censorship. I also recommend exploring these publications: Waking Times, Questioning Covid, Off-Guardian, The Light Paper, Global Research, Humans are Free and Green Med Info.

Carry on exploring

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