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What is the real root cause of anxiety? (part one)

Anxiety has become a chronic problem in the world.

But anxiety never used to be such a thing, or did it? Perhaps past generations suffered in silence, or perhaps it’s our modern-day environment which is influencing our anxiety so drastically.

We know our emotional health is undoubtedly influenced by our environment, so the question is, what specifically in our environment is affecting our emotional wellbeing on such a scale that anxiety has become such a worldwide problem?

So, what even is anxiety?

When you break it down, anxiety is fear of the future - one of two mindsets most people have that adversely affects their health.

There is either this fear of the future, say financial worries, the state of the world (especially in the past few years) or health. We all worry about these three things on a daily basis. Or, it’s cumulative emotions from the past, whether it’s anger, resentment, regret or sadness.

A balanced mind that is harmonious tends to be very present, rarely drifting into past regrets or future concerns.

Yet, most of us tend to swing, like a pendulum, between the past and future, very rarely stopping in the present. With our technology-focused age of always being contactable and visible, it’s no wonder our fears of how we’re seen and perceived have skyrocketed.

What’s more, with all the uncertainty in the world, it’s very hard not to spiral into ‘what if’ future fears and scenarios in our minds.

Understanding the anxiety label

Defined as ‘a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome’, we are very quick to use the label of anxiety for anyone who is experiencing these feelings.

This is not a new trend. In our current medical, as well as complementary, paradigm, labels like this are often used for ease of diagnosis, allowing practitioners to use an easy one-size-fits-all approach for treatment and therapy.

The thing is, we cannot use a one-size-fits-all approach because we’re all completely unique beings.

Like all disease and illness in the body, anxiety is an imbalance; either influenced by our internal emotional state or by our external chemical state. Yet it is completely different for each person. We are all completely biochemically unique, and so are our symptoms, even though they may seem similar on the outside.

What’s more, when you label someone with anxiety you are placing them into a category that they then use define themselves. Something which can be extremely disempowering because it plants people firmly in a victim mindset, whereby they are defined by their condition.

On the back of this, it becomes easy for brands to target their products and services at anxiety sufferers. It’s not just pills for anxiety; it’s pillows, podcasts, therapies, remedies, books, packages, supplements.

Some may help but lots may not, and only serve to line the pockets of brands who may not have our best interests at heart.

Has anxiety always been around or is it just now?

Compared to past generations, we are far more open in talking about our feelings and emotional health.

The ‘stiff upper lip’ and ‘boys don’t cry’ era is fading into memories as we embrace the mental health era. We also have newfound methods of communication which has opened up a portal of understanding and education, helping us to speak about how we feel like never before.

The world is finally understanding that talking about how we feel is a powerful way of releasing stress and trauma from the body. We don’t need to hide in shame, scared to show our so-called imperfections that make us human.

However, the rising tide of anxiety cannot be solely attributed to it coming out of the shadows after years in the shade. It doesn’t ring true that this level of worldwide anxiety has always existed behind the scenes.

We only need to look at the statistics which show older age groups as the least likely sufferers of anxiety to come to this conclusion.

Where does anxiety really come from?

Anxiety is characterized by prolonged, excessive worry about circumstances in life. It tiptoes along the line of ‘what if’ uncertainties. Everything is balanced on a knife edge of fear that stains our thoughts, words and actions.

It is a full-body physical sensation yet when people think of anxiety, they seem to think that it stems down from their mind and their mind alone.

But the mind and body are one unit. There is no separation between them. They are one field of energy, constantly communicating and influencing each other.

Anxiety is not just an emotional condition, it’s also a physical one because, after all, the mind and body are one unit and so whatever is going on in our minds is always reflected in our physical heath and vice versa. What we eat influences our emotional health and mood as much as how emotional stress negatively impacts our physical health.

When we feel anxious it’s not just an emotional feeling, it’s very much a physical sensation, as anyone who suffers with anxiety will tell you.

Anxiety is therefore indicative of an imbalance, or disharmony, on a physical, emotional and energetic level that manifests in both mind and body as one.

Why then, are so many people in a state of such disharmony in the world?

Read part two here >>

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