Hey, I’m Antonya and it’s so good to have you here!
This is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be, in the hope it inspires you on your own journey into deeper self-awareness and emotional healing. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Self Discovery | Soul Seekers | The Confidence Club | Conquer Your Fears | Oldies and Goldies | YouTube Short & Sweet
The money trap (what it is and how to avoid it)
Now that we're healing the self-esteem wound there's too many of us falling prey to the marketing that tells us we can all be millionaires. This is yet another spiritual trap, hiding our real emotional needs under the illusion that money can meet them.
Are you rushing your spiritual growth?
All good things take time and our spiritual growth is no exception. So, what are the traps that we fall into and how can we learn to be patient with ourselves and our spiritual journey?
Feel the fear and reap the rewards
When we do things that scare us the universe rewards us for taking risks on its behalf, our self-esteem raises considerably and we open ourselves up to our power, potential and possibilities. How can we use our fear for positive change in our lives?
How to bloom in January
How can we ease into January, allowing us to plant the seeds for Spring and giving our bodies the chance to retreat and rest as best they can, rather than rush headfirst into the goal-orientated culture of January?
How to deal with loss
Loss is part of the triangle with grief and sadness on the other tips, and all of them feed into each other in a myriad of ways. So, how can we deal with loss when it comes into our lives?
Want to manifest? Here’s the secret
The secret to manifesting is about aligning with a greater force. It is not some force that we need to control and neither is it a force that controls us. It is not about making demands, and neither is it about surrendering ourselves completely.
4 ways to transform your life
Life picks up when you pick yourself up, so what changes can you make to invite this transformation in? Through leaning into compassion, gratitude and validation you can shift out of feeling down and out to feeling powerful and purposeful once again.
At 3 years sober here's what I know for sure
I was never an alcoholic, but in the years leading up to my final decision to cut alcohol out of my life for good, like a bad ex boyfriend, I started to have a funny feeling around alcohol. Drinking was becoming slightly tainted. Something that was fast reaching its sell-by date.
How to love yourself at your lowest
When we're doing well in life we feel good. But, what happens when those things that have been propping up our self-esteem vanish? How can we love ourselves at our lowest?
Feeling trapped? Here's how to feel free again
Feeling trapped, stuck and frustrated in your life? Don't worry, you're in a process of transformation and alchemy, and I'm here to guide you through it. Read on to discover how to feel free when you're feeling trapped and stuck.
How to ease into the delight of winter
When the cold weather comes we need to adapt our lifestyles accordingly to allow a smooth and gentle transition towards the descent into winter.
Goodbye Instagram, hello radical self-love
Instagram has been eating away at my joy and eroding my confidence, so I made the decision to leave. This is my story.
Are you spiritually worn out?
A lot of us are feeling spiritually worn out, disconnected, exhausted, lost and overwhelmed right now. So, how can we recover our sense of connectedness, balance and grounding in such chaotic times?
The magic of Kinesiology for stress relief
Kinesiology is a wonderful therapy for getting to the root cause of symptoms, but it's also an extremely powerful therapy to release stress from the emotional and physical body.
Feeling rejected? This might help
The pain of rejection can be hard to handle, but how can we understand it in a different light and give ourselves some comfort and reassurance that we're enough exactly as we are? This is a post all about recognising our value and self-worth.
3 ways to shift out of overwhelm
Here are three simple ways to shift out of a state of overwhelm and stress and back into a peaceful and powerful state where you can gain perspective and regain command of your life.
Feeling like a failure? Read this
When you feel like a failure you're just having a bad day. You might also be stuck in comparison and putting too much pressure on yourself. So here's something you might want to read to help shift your mindset.
Procrastinating? Here’s 3 things you need to know
There's 3 things you need to know about procrastination. Firstly, you need to break the task down. Secondly, you need to understand your fear. Thirdly, you need to shift your energy. Here are all the ways to understand why you're procrastinating, and how to take action against it.
Two simple ways to overcome fear
Fear can get wildly out of control when left inside of us but there are two simple ways to overcome fear; one is through sharing the fear, and the other is through action. When we confront our fears in this way, we can move through them and return to a state of confidence and joy in our lives.
Is this the real cause of your anger?
Anger is nothing more than fear turned inside out. It’s a way for us to protect ourselves when we feel threatened, even though we’re not consciously of it. Emotions hide behind other emotions, and in this post I show you how and why this happens.