Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
How to fall in love
Falling in love is something that we all long for, yet how can we move past the emotional blocks that get in the way of us experiencing the love we deserve? This is my story and I hope by sharing it you’ll see how capable and worthy of love you truly are.
Can your Soul Contract show you your soul purpose?
Can your Soul Contract show you your life purpose or is there another way of understanding your soul destiny? What if there is no singular soul purpose but a culmination of reasons as to why you're here and what you're capable of achieving?
What’s the difference between the ego and the soul?
What is the difference between the ego and the soul? The ego drives thoughts, words and actions from a place of fear and lack. The soul drives them from love, nourishing our self esteem.
Where does emotional stress lodge itself in the body?
The language of the body is emotions and in Traditional Chinese Medicine the understanding of where emotions are stored in our body is based on the five element chart. So, where does emotional stress lodge itself in the body?
What happens in a Soul Contract Reading?
A Soul Contract Reading gives you the truth of your life, helping you to move through your challenges, identify your talents and reach your goals, working like a map that you can use time and time again along your way.
How to keep your boundaries when they’re being challenged
If you are sensitive, gentle and empathetic it can feel really hard to say no to others and stand up and assert yourself. The reason why boundaries can feel hard is all to do with the energies in your Soul Contract, which is exactly what I explore in this blog post.
When life gives you lemons - how to handle big emotions
When we're in a state of emotional turmoil it can feel overwhelming and out of control. Yet big emotions are an opportunity for us to access and alchemise the deep subconscious programming to create powerful shifts in our life.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
How to read your Soul Contract
Your Soul Contract is an agreement your soul made in this lifetime to work through a certain set of experiences, broken down into karma, talents, goals and your soul destiny. Here, I show you how to understand you Soul Contract.
Is resentment a thorn in your side (and are you ready to pull it out)?
Resentment is program within us all, born from a belief in lack and limitation as well as a feeling of being undeserving and unworthy of abundance. So, how can we understand it on a deeper level and release ourselves from it's shadow?
How to let go of comparison and embrace your gifts
Comparison is something that sneaks up on all of us, so how can we free ourselves from the negative spiral of comparison and come back to remembering and appreciating how truly wonderful we are?
5 signs you're opening up to higher consciousness
On your path of spiritual growth you might notice some signs and symptoms which show you that you are opening up to a higher state consciousness. Here, I share the five signs that I've noticed along my way.
How to overcome the fear of investing in yourself
Investing in yourself creates space for your potential to bloom, opening doors and inviting in growth to take you to the next level. Yet, why are we so resistant to change and how can we feel worthy of receiving the support we deserve and let go of the fears holding us back?
Feeling stuck? Here's 5 ways to unstick yourself
If you’re feeling stuck in a situation that doesn’t feel freeing for your soul, let me share some of the ways you can free yourself and fall back into alignment with yourself, so you can reconnect to your peace and trust that all is well.
How to slow down when you're always in a rush
If you're constantly rushing around feeling exhausted and burnt out, understanding the energies in your Soul Contract, as well as the subconscious programming keeping you busy, may help you slow down.
Are fear and self-doubt clipping your wings?
We are all capable of doing incredible things in our lives but so often we find ourselves stuck in fear and self-doubt. So, how can we begin to free ourselves from these limiting beliefs and truly achieve our dreams?
How to avoid burnout on your spiritual journey
Many of us on the spiritual path suffer from burnout and exhaustion because we're no grounded, we're pushing ourselves to expand too quickly and we're not leaning into love. Here I share a few of the things that play a key role in our spiritual burnout and how to overcome them.
Why leaning back is the key to moving forwards
The harder we push, the more the very thing that we want moves away from us. So how can move out of a vibration of lack and longing, using the practice of aparigraha, and lean back into a state of receiving?
3 things that happen when you start healing
When you start healing miracles can happen, your relationship with yourself and your body changes and you start to shine your light and welcome in new possibilities and opportunities into your life.
If you’re lacking confidence here's three ways to overcome it
If you're lacking confidence and have low self-esteem here are three ways that have helped me to come out of hiding and overcome the fear that is stopping me from realising my potential.