And so the great divide begins - lessons from the past

As distasteful as it is to rewrite the words uttered by such evil, monstrous men, I fear that without sharing the cunning ways they manipulated so many, we will neglect to pay due attention to the ease in which they carried out their heinous plans.

How quickly we’ve forgotten the horrors of these dictatorship regimes. Not the mass murders, but the slippery slope of mass manipulation waged against the public that create the breeding ground ripe for hate, fear and division.

Additionally, fuelling the collaboration between the state and its subjects for the abuse and eventual murder of so many groups in society.

For those, like myself, who’ve spent some time studying the era of the Nazis, it feels horrifyingly familiar, making me as deeply uneasy as when I visited Auschwitz and saw those rail tracks leading to the gates of hell. 

Mass manipulation of the people

It’s the psychological abuse that is repeating itself on a loop, from dictatorships now turned to dust who have infamously brutalized their people, which holds the fascination.

It’s the same relentless fear-based propaganda that is being shoved down the public’s throat now. With all of our so-called ‘smart technology’ we have it drilled into us from every conceivable angle. It’s exhausting and I don’t even seek it out. It finds me, as much as I try to hide from the onslaught.

Mass manipulation of the public has happened countless times throughout history. And we seemingly never learn.

No one thought the horrors that these regimes perpetrated could ever happen in a civilised society. No one thought a government could be so evil. And no one realised what was happening until it was too late.

The slippery slope of emergency decrees

It usually starts with an Emergency Decree for ‘Your Own Protection’ declaring a state of emergency and suspending basic human rights such as freedom of free speech. Sound familiar? 

I wonder if we’re aware that in our own emergency legislation, that was so softly and silently passed last year, officials can remove a person to a place suitable for screening and assessment, allow a healthcare professional to take a biological sample by appropriate means, all in the interests of the person, the protection of other people and the maintenance of public health? 

Add to which, under applications for compulsory admission to hospital for assessment or treatment, to avoid ‘undesirable delay’, only one medical practitioner can sign off on compulsory treatment orders.

It’s all there in the small print that they know no one bothers to read.

History shows us how quickly and easily democracy can morph into a dictatorship in one fell swoop. Don’t participate in the ‘Great Turning Away’, history teaches us better - that is why they are working so hard to erase it.

The tactics of divide and conquer

I was prompted to write this after surfing through some news headlines and diving into the comments section which, as we all know, holds some real gems amongst the general ratatat of the keyboard trolls.

Here’s what I see happening. The public are being firmly pushed to polarising ends. You’re either for vaccination or against it. You can’t be in the middle. They won’t allow it. It’s either defence or attack.

We are being provoked and sucked into their divide and conquer techniques. The playbook that so many of us have thumbed through to the point where we know what moves are going to be pulled months, even years, in advance, tells us exactly what to expect.

In fact, the so-called conspiracy theorists have seen everything coming in the past year, from vaccine passports to mandatory injections. Nothing is a suprise to us anymore. We have always known there will be a wave of illness, real or fabricated, that will be blamed on the unvaccinated who are, of course, the incubators of disease (and at this point diving into the fallible Germ Theory is advised). The result will be further lockdowns and draconian measures that will pit two groups in society against each other.

Division. Division. Division.

Creating a target for unexploded hate and fear

This is the primary aim now. Those willingly rolling up their arms for their first, second, and now booster injections in the arm, are a done deal. It is now their priority to direct the deep festering mire of psychological trauma that we are all experiencing from 18 months in such extreme, stressful and purposefully chaotic conditions, towards a target.

Many of those who were promised their freedom, their holidays, their ‘normality’ returned to them after their injections have been rudely jolted out of complacency. There is a seething wave of anger that is about to break. And it needs an outlet.

Like in any state that is on its knees, wallowing in discontent, all you need is to find a common enemy to direct the public anger towards. At this point, it is the subtle finesse of propaganda that plays into the public arena. And we’re not even aware of it.

In Nazi Germany, the party line was to attack the Jewish bankers who were in cahoots with the communists, blaming them for squeezing Germany out of its assests. This is how dictatorships work. They find a common enemy and align the people against them, offering protection and safety in the warm embrace of their mandated laws. Whether it’s Jewish bankers in the 1930’s, communists in the 1950’s or vaccine skeptics and the war on natural remedies in the 2020’s. It’s the same thing.

Everyone should know and be aware of it and how it works because then we can see, with crystal clear clarity, that the same thing is happening now. 

Playing the public like a fiddle

As Goebbels, the Minister for Propaganda explained so well, “think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

And playing they are. The media offices must be steaming by the amount of propaganda being pumped out of their orifices. Every day there is a new divide and conquer story. A selfie in an oxygen mask lamenting, on their deathbed, how they wished they’d been vaccinated. These poor people are being manipulated even in death.

I wonder where all the stories are from those who have recovered? I also wonder where all the stories are from the deathbeds of the 1500 who have died post-injection in the UK.

Be aware of the bias.

Rationality is out of the window. People are falling by the wayside of fear on both sides of the debate. Hey, here’s a novel idea. There are no sides. There is merely a personal choice I make for my health and the personal choice that you make for yours and never the twain shall meet.

Yet, in our upside-down topsy-turvy world where it’s slipped into ‘my body, your choice’ there is a fiery clash, stoked, undoubtedly by the propaganda pieces in the press. The big cats of the media empires are gleefully pouring fuel on the fire and watching keyboard warriors battle it out.

Don’t play into their hands

Leave it. Just leave it. Don’t get sucked into the drama. Don’t waste your energy or get dragged down into the negative energy of those who purposefully want to fire you up and cause distress and division.

Don’t read these aggravating headlines. They are solely tactics to further divide. If we are to have an honest, open and calm conversation, face to face, with someone who’s had an injection and someone who hasn’t, most will respect the others’ opinion. Yet, over the internet, people can morph into their unattractive alter-egos.

Here, pent up aggression, anger, grief and fear make a dangerous combination on a keyboard.

Words are misconstrued. Meanings are taken out of context and any kind of messaging becomes riddled with miscommunication. Unable to read body language, tone of voice, facial expressions and energy, it becomes impossible to connect with someone. 

Duty to protect the state and its people

One of the main reasons the vaccinated attack the unvaccinated is through fear. Fear and programming. This we know. It is obvious. They attack us for exposing the country to danger. How selfish we all are, not doing our part to get us ‘back to normal’.

While the misguided belief that our governement would ever hand back its newfound inflated powers so we can return to our conception of normality is a laughable notion at this point, it’s interesting how much they are pushing the ‘it’s our duty to be vaccinated’ line. So here comes a quote.

Read it carefully and remember how instrumental these individuals were in the largest genocide in the history of mankind. From the king of the police state himself and highest ranking official in the Nazi party, Herman Goring had these words to say from his jail cell in 1946 as he awaited trial at Nuremburg.

“Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”


This time, those Goebbles wannabes are all pointing to an invisible enemy. Something that the people can’t even see. A bug, a tiny thing, that sneaks in everywhere. So rather than unite the people against the enemy of germs, which has already been done with our medical-pharma complex, the new enemy is the incubator of said germs. That’s you and me.

You couldn’t make it up. Yet history repeats itself over and over, and still we are blind, deaf and dumb to the mass manipulation happening right in front of our eyes. 

As Josef Goebbels, Nazi minister for propaganda once explained, “propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”

When someone attacks another for not being vaccinated, they are not acting on their own free will. They are being coerced and manipulated through fear, media propaganda and psychological programming to act that way. 

Tricked into turning on eachother

As Goebbels also said “this is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.” It’s all trickery.

We are being tricked into turning on our neighbours, friends and family. The hosts that carry these invisible, killer germs. We are being tricked into believing that the unvaccinated are incubators of disease. We are being tricked into seeing the unvaccinated as the enemy and roadblock that is standing in the way between us and our so-called freedom and normality.

This is the messaging being drilled into the general public. ‘Blame them, it’s their fault. Your lack of freedom and the nation’s descent into a tyrannical state has nothing to do with us. We only make these rules to protect you because we care about you. Blame them.’

The tactics of division are so obvious that I only take these scaremongering, provocative headlines with a pinch of salt. And so should we all. No matter where we position ourselves on the spectrum of experimental injections.

The extraordinary moment is upon us

As Adolf Hitler said “the greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event.”

We know there are many that will never believe the so-called conspiracies that governments can do wrong.

That governments can put power and profit over people. That governments can lie. That governments can distort the truth. That governments can manipulate the masses. That governments don’t care about our wellbeing. That governments can be evil.

Surely not. Surely, they could never in today’s civilised society? Well, that’s what the German people said on their discovery of the concentration camps so I’ll let you come to your own conclusion.

As Sun Tzu explained in the Art of War, you only need to “engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

This extraordinary moment is now upon us. 


Carry on exploring


I’ve become a covid ninja (mamboing the matrix)


Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist