Don’t call me an anti-vaxxer

don't call me an anti-vaxxer

Someone called me an anti-vaxxer the other day and, to be honest, it really pissed me off.

First of all, let’s be clear. No one makes us feel emotions, we always choose to feel. Someone can trigger us, sure, but we always choose, whether from an unconscious place or not, to feel offence, irritation, anger or anything else.

But boy did I feel angry. And shocked. And sad too. What is this world we’re living in where we sling such unconscious terms about?

Sometimes, it takes the smallest thing to tip us over the edge. It was this term, loaded with such negativity, that firmly tipped me over and launched me into a mission to untangle the motives and psychology behind the label ‘anti-vaxxer’.

Name-calling isn’t cool so I’m going to call it out.

Too spiritual to feel anger

In some new-age spiritual circles there is a common theme which tells us to always see the positive in situations, people and events. I have called this out before, it’s a form of toxic positivity.

We are supposed to love and accept everyone, right? Wrong. In this state of open arms, it is all too easy to give, give, give our energy away to those who readily take, take, take. Boundaries are an important tool of self-protection. It is only by having a clear line of what behaviour is acceptable and what isn’t that we stay rooted in our values and sense of self.

While ‘anti-vaxxer’ is just a label, it is not ok to use it as a default label for people who choose not to participate in an experimental medical treatment being forced upon them. It is simply too easy to brush people off with that narrative and I won’t be brushed off that way.

Within this circle there is also the belief that spiritual people shouldn’t feel so-called ‘negative emotions’. That we are somehow higher than them. We turn the other cheek and say “hey, it’s ok, I’m too spiritual to feel anger, carry on”.

This is a dangerous trap to fall into. If we align to any kind of spiritual understanding of ourselves and the world we live in, we know that there is dark as well as light. It is the nature of duality. Not only is it acceptable to feel all emotions, it’s a necessity. Dive into them all, just don’t linger in them and have a pity party.

Righteous anger is vital. Especially now when we need a fire within to drive us forwards in such dark times.

Raised hackles and not being heard

More than anything, I felt angry because I wasn’t being listened to.

As humans, we all need to feel seen and heard. Not to tie our worth to external validation, but to share ourselves in the world. It is the very essence of our existance. To contribute, share and participate. So, it’s frustrating that my opinions, which are valid and deserve to be heard, are shut down so ceremoniously because they don’t fit the standard narrative of the majority.

If there is reasoning and love between two people, there is space to talk, discuss and share alternative opinions. Yet, in this arena of covid and vaccines, there is none. No wiggle room at all. This lack of healthy debate, so much so that our society is being torn in two due to conflicting opinions, gives us a glimpse of the real intentions behind events.

Hint, it’s all about division.

When the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ is lobbed into conversation, my hackles go up because I know, at the core of my being, that this isn’t a person open to a considered and compassionate conversation.

Using such unconscious terminology is akin to saying that any person who has the courage to speak out against potential harm being done to another human being is not worth being listened to. Let’s shut them down and shame them into silence with this belittling and demeaning label.

This is the intention of it, let’s not kid ourselves. The term ‘anti-vaxxer’ is used precisely for this purpose. And here’s where the waves of anger come raging in.

They aren’t conscious of the term they have just dropped, they have no idea of its impact and meaning. They are not open to a different opinion that threatens their long-term beliefs. Their lack of openness is as obvious as the nose on my face and it’s deeply worrying.

Understanding the origins of terminology

Whether it’s ‘conspiracy theorist’ or ‘anti-vaxxer’, those who use these labels don’t even know where they learnt them from, what the origins are of them are and why they came into being. They just regurgitate them from soundbites and narratives they see in the news.

Harsh? Perhaps. I’m sort of done mincing my words so I’ll be clear.

Everyone who uses the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ or ’conspiracy theorist’ is deeply locked into the programming of the system that controls all of us on a subconscious level. Words are weapons designed to control and the pen is far mightier than the sword.

Do they realise that the label ‘anti-vaxxer’ stems from the pharmaceutical giants to crush the voices of those who dare to speak out against the vaccination programmes that can kill or injure their children or loved ones? These people are a threat to their profits. 

Do they realise that the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ stems from government agencies to discredit any dissent on the ground against the governing powers? These people are a threat to their power.

The damage that pharmaceutical companies wreck is not fiction. Medication is the third leading cause of death in America. Vaccine injuries are not myth, they’re real and they’re happening right now. Especially with this current injection. Yet, instead of exploring that possibility we’d rather shut down opinions, call someone an anti-vaxxer and ignore it because it’s too inconvenient to acknowledge. 

Or too uncomfortable. Or too incomprehensible. Or too threatening. Take your pick and figure out which one fits.

Fear’s role in this unconscious name-calling

Fear shuts us down and limits our emotional capacities. In this fear state people aren’t functioning. Fear is clouding our judgement and promoting irrational behaviour on an unprecedented level.

Name-calling isn’t a personal attack. What prompts someone to say these words has nothing to do with me. Instead, it’s an attack on what I stand for, my beliefs which contradict theirs. We all know attack is the best form of defence so we need to call out this name-calling for what it is. Merely, a retaliation to a perceived threat.

It’s all fear-based.

The trust in the medical-pharma complex is so deeply ingrained within most of us that when someone tells us the injection, that we’ve so willingly rolled our sleeves up for, is responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries, we experience a primal fear. If we’ve had this experimental technology injected into us that might be extremely dangerous, do we want to know about it? No. And when we’re scared, we lash out. 

Unfortunately, to remain so locked into fixed belief systems at this point is a threat to us all. The time has come to pull heads out of sandboxes. Ignorance is bliss until it’s not bliss at all. It’s destruction, illness and devastation. 

Be brave. Stop name-calling as a start.

It’s all about labels

When I, along with many others, express concerns about a vaccination programme that contradicts all the core values I have about health and wellbeing, society slaps a label on me. Watch out, anti-vaxxer here, with a big neon arrow above my head.

When we label someone, we mentally categorize them so we can understand them better. These labels of ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘anti-vaxxer’ have been consciously created within the constructs of our society as a form of slander to marginalise, discredit and shame. It’s all planned this way. 

I’ll argue that there is no such thing as these labels. I will never use the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ in conversation because, to me, it’s not a real concept. It’s been designed to serve a purpose in a game and I will no longer play by those rules. I reject this label.

It is a tool used to divide and I won’t stand for it. There’s no such thing as anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine, there is merely a personal choice of what we believe is best for our individual wellbeing, and this needs to be respected.

Instead, the lack of respect is dizzing.

To mock, shun and belittle those who dare to say something that contradicts our narrative doesn’t show understanding, intellect or wisdom, merely a lack of it. There’s no emotional intelligence present when we call someone an ‘anti-vaxxer’. It’s playground name-calling that is lazy, unconscious and only serves to reveal their true character, not mine.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m not vaccine-hesitant. Don’t label me but perhaps do some research, have some conversations, step away from fear and remove those blinkers. Perhaps then, and only then, might the light of truth become visible.


Carry on exploring


Exposing the darkness of fear-driven hate


I’ve become a covid ninja (mamboing the matrix)