Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
Are you feeling trapped? Here’s a little story for you
If you're feeling trapped, frustrated and stuck in your life, there is always hope in the darkness. Here, I share my story in the hope to inspire you to find your own silver linings, freedom and light to guide you forwards.
Ten things I’m learning on my path to finding my soul destiny
If you're a spiritual seeker, wanting to understand your soul destiny and purpose in this lifetime, here I share some things I'm learning on my own journey, using my soul contract as a guide.
Why you’re overwhelmed and what to do about it
Many of us are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and stressed, and sometimes we need a reminder to slow down and calm down so we can begin to look at the deeper root cause underlying our overwhelm.
How to come out of hiding
Hiding keeps us safe but it also keeps us playing small. So, how can we step out into the unknown, being vulnerable and open about who we truly are, embracing our true authentic selves without fear of judgement or shame?
3 subtle yet powerful ways to align your life
To live in alignment means to live in a place of acceptance of who you are and where you are in life. Here, I share three subtle yet powerful ways to shift into alignment so you can experience more joy, love, abundance and purpose in your life.
The wonder of suffering and the key to letting go
The sages say it that suffering is a choice, yet suffering is inevitable for there there is much that we must let go of and unlearn before we understand how to ease ourselves out of suffering. It's all too easy to spiritually bypass suffering without realising it is an essential part of our reality that will grant us our spiritual and emotional freedom.
I’m on the edge of burnout (and this is why)
We all have unconscious conditioning, patterns and behaviour that drives us to the state of overwhelm and burnout. But, one of the keys to unlocking the answers is to delve into our soul contract which can help explain so much about why we are the way we are.
How to recognise energy vampires
Like wolf in sheep’s' clothing, energy vampires sneak past our boundaries and take what isn't theirs. We can either continue letting this happen, or stay vigilant to the signs and erect our boundaries to keep them away, the choice is ours.
Learning the lessons of love
We all have fears, insecurities and blocks that sabotage our ability to love and be loved. Whether it's learned from our parents, past relationships or something within us. This is why learning to love ourselves from within is one of the hardest things of all.
Are you overstretching into overwhelm?
Without even realising it's happened, we can stretch ourselves so thin, trying to do it all and have it all, that we can snap, which is exactly what happened to me.
How to deal with loss
Loss is part of the triangle with grief and sadness on the other tips, and all of them feed into each other in a myriad of ways. So, how can we deal with loss when it comes into our lives?
4 ways to transform your life
Life picks up when you pick yourself up, so what changes can you make to invite this transformation in? Through leaning into compassion, gratitude and validation you can shift out of feeling down and out to feeling powerful and purposeful once again.
Feeling trapped? Here's how to feel free again
Feeling trapped, stuck and frustrated in your life? Don't worry, you're in a process of transformation and alchemy, and I'm here to guide you through it. Read on to discover how to feel free when you're feeling trapped and stuck.
3 ways to shift out of overwhelm
Here are three simple ways to shift out of a state of overwhelm and stress and back into a peaceful and powerful state where you can gain perspective and regain command of your life.
Procrastinating? Here’s 3 things you need to know
There's 3 things you need to know about procrastination. Firstly, you need to break the task down. Secondly, you need to understand your fear. Thirdly, you need to shift your energy. Here are all the ways to understand why you're procrastinating, and how to take action against it.
5 things to remember when it all feels too much
When life feels overwhelming and we can't see the wood through the trees, here's 5 things to remember. You are not alone in feeling this way, and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. This post will share how to build your emotional resilience in tough times.
Are you masking your emotions?
We all mask our emotions for a number of reasons; guilt and shame in particular, but how can we learn to show our true selves, without feeling like a burden to those around us? Here I share how to come into authenticity and let go of the fear of being vulnerable.
The lost art of waiting- how to be patient
We've forgotten how to be patient but what can patience teach us and how can we find comfort in the waiting period? In this post I explore why it feels so hard to wait for the things we want, and how rushing and stress can be so detrimental to our wellbeing.
How to recognise (and walk away from) emotional manipulators
Emotional manipulators are like energy vampires, rather than taking your energy they emotionally manipulate you in subtle ways to feel in control. In this post I explore how to recognise, and walk away from, those people who want to manipulate you.
How to find balance when you feel out of balance
Here are three simple ways to restore a sense of calm, grounding and peace to help you find balance when you feel out of balance. Life can be stressful and intense, yet when we come back to our center, and ground back into the truth of who we are, we can find that peace again.