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The magic of Kinesiology for stress relief

The first time I had Kinesiology I giggled the whole way through.

I thought this therapy was bonkers and brilliant all at the same time. And, little did I know at the time, that laughter is a delightful way to release stress. So much so, that I always want to keep my sessions joyful, no matter how deep we go into emotional stress.

Most people know that Kinesiology is a wonderful therapy to get to the root cause of symptoms. We do this through muscle testing, asking the body where we need to place our attention to restore balance and harmony.

In Kinesiology we can find out what nutritional supplements your body is craving, what neuro-lymphatic areas to rub to release tension and what meridians and chakras to realign to recharge you on an energetic level, but a big part of what we do is emotional stress release.

You don’t need to have symptoms to have Kinesiology and feel the benefits. You can also come in to release the stresses, fears and worries that you’re carrying around.

This is why I wanted to write this post, because I believe everyone needs, and deserves, Kinesiology and the wonderful benefits that come along with it.

The stresses of our modern world

I love how open the world is now to receive all forms of emotional help. Finally, the stigma and shame of admitting we aren’t coping so well and need some help is dissolving.

Back in the (g)olden days, before the stress of social media and technology, working all hours of the day and night, and the mistaken belief that we can ‘have it all’, we used to lean on our community for emotional comfort and support.

Family and friends provided a shoulder to cry on because they had time to listen, and we would go to the elders in our communities to seek advice.

Despite the advancements in this technological era, we are more disconnected from each other than ever before. We have access to everyone yet the time and attention of no one. We are visible to all yet completely invisible within the saturated social systems. It’s no wonder so many of us are so broken-in. We’re more connected and lonely than ever before.

Sharing the burden of our stress and fear

This is where the power of talking is so extremely powerful.

We are not meant to carry all these burdens alone, without an outlet or help. It’s one of the most basic human needs: to be heard and listened to. Just this alone can transform the emotional state of someone from deeply stressed and overwhelmed to hopeful and calm.

It’s so validating to talk and be heard.

When you talk about your stresses and fears you are bringing them out of the dark, shameful place in your mind and out into the light where you can see them for what they really are: much less scary and much more manageable than you thought.

In Kinesiology, our goal is not to provide answers, but to give you the courage, clarity and perspective to figure them out for yourself.

When we’re in a state of stress we cannot find solutions because our mind is clouded, fearful and stuck in the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight. In sessions we aim to calm you down, bringing you back into your parasympathetic nervous system, so you can start to see the wood through the trees.

Stress relief for mind and body simultaneously

In Kinesiology we are aware that the mind and body are not two separate units, they are one and the same, and cannot be treated thus as separate.

This is why stress relief in Kinesiology is so powerful, because we’re releasing fear, stress and trauma from all of our different bodies; our emotional body, our physical body and our energetic body, all at the same time.

We often forget that we are energy beings, which is funny because everything on this earth is energy, including us. To ignore caring for the energetic body is missing a huge trick. This is why I do so much work on the aura, the electromagnetic field around all living things, the chakras through Reiki, and the meridians which nourish our organs.

Supporting our energy body can have the most phenomenal effects on strengthening and powering up our vital life force (or Chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine), not to mention the powerful shifts that can happen when we balance it.

Releasing stress and tension from the physical body

Alongside the energetic body, we work on releasing stress and tension from the physical body too.

We do this through lymphatic massage which shifts tension and pain out of areas such as the top of the shoulders, the jaw, the neck and back. In fact, rubbing the jaw with deep lymphatic pressure is a hugely powerful way to release stress because the jaw is where we hold so much of our tension that manifests as clenched teeth, grinding at night and temporal headaches. 

Rubbing the adrenal lymphatics is another top priority in relieving stress from the body. These two little glands regulate hormones, such as cortisol, that control our state of stress. Most of us are stressed on a constant basis without even knowing it, which is why these little fellas get so burnt out and exhausted.

The lymphatic points are on either side of the tummy button and can feel incredibly tender, which is when you know your adrenals really need some care and attention.

Understanding yourself through Kinesiology

Another magical way Kinesiology provides such deep stress relief is through the power of awareness.

Often, we don’t really know what we’re so worried or stressed about. It may be that we have niggling anxious thoughts that we can’t put our finger on. It could be that we feel low and depressed without quite knowing why.

This is when we need to understand the difference between our conscious and subconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives. It is a powerful engine that runs everything in the background without us even being conscious of it. It is a vast library of information, forming the basis of our programming, belief systems and understanding of the world.

So, if we have a fear of the dark and we don’t know why, it will be a memory in the subconscious that holds the answer. If we keep repeating the same behaviour and can’t stop, it will be the subconscious that will know the reason.

The magic of Kinesiology for stress relief

In Kinesiology we use muscle testing to ask the subconscious body what’s going on. So, even if you’re aware that you’re stressed about something, we can pinpoint, using the testing, exactly what it is that’s causing you so much stress. And, often, it’s something quite different to what you assume it might be.

Discovering this clarity and awareness is so empowering because now we can understand ourselves better and can start changing the narrative of our life.

So, hopefully you now have a better understanding that while Kinesiology is well known for getting to the root cause of symptoms, it is also a wonderfully powerful and magical form of stress relief that everyone can benefit from and deserves to have in their lives.

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Carry on exploring

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