Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
How to recognise energy vampires
Like wolf in sheep’s' clothing, energy vampires sneak past our boundaries and take what isn't theirs. We can either continue letting this happen, or stay vigilant to the signs and erect our boundaries to keep them away, the choice is ours.
How to recognise (and walk away from) emotional manipulators
Emotional manipulators are like energy vampires, rather than taking your energy they emotionally manipulate you in subtle ways to feel in control. In this post I explore how to recognise, and walk away from, those people who want to manipulate you.
Signs and symptoms of a toxic work environment
Many of us are existing in toxic work environments, not knowing how to leave. When we understand why we find ourselves in them we can begin to light up the path to change and letting go.