Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
When life gives you lemons - how to handle big emotions
When we're in a state of emotional turmoil it can feel overwhelming and out of control. Yet big emotions are an opportunity for us to access and alchemise the deep subconscious programming to create powerful shifts in our life.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
Is resentment a thorn in your side (and are you ready to pull it out)?
Resentment is program within us all, born from a belief in lack and limitation as well as a feeling of being undeserving and unworthy of abundance. So, how can we understand it on a deeper level and release ourselves from it's shadow?
5 signs you're opening up to higher consciousness
On your path of spiritual growth you might notice some signs and symptoms which show you that you are opening up to a higher state consciousness. Here, I share the five signs that I've noticed along my way.
The wonder of suffering and the key to letting go
The sages say it that suffering is a choice, yet suffering is inevitable for there there is much that we must let go of and unlearn before we understand how to ease ourselves out of suffering. It's all too easy to spiritually bypass suffering without realising it is an essential part of our reality that will grant us our spiritual and emotional freedom.
How to embrace the alchemy of change
Change can be deeply uncomfortable. So much so, that we want to hide in a past version of ourselves or skip forward to the safe, familiar and known. Yet, the point of suffering and change is where the magic happens, and one we want to embrace.
The dark side of comparison (and not in the way you think)
Comparison causes suffering as we're pulled away from the present moment and fall into a state of false, rather than authentic, gratitude.