Cognitive dissonance in the time of corona

Covid cognitive dissonance

I’ve been wondering for a long time now why it is that some can see the clarity of truth about what’s happening right now, and why some can’t.

The wealth of evidence that something is amiss is truly staggering. The data, statistics, censorship, control, lies, witnesses, whistleblowers, manipulation and testimonials starting to come out are painting a vivid and terrifyingly clear picture.

And yet, some simply cannot see it for what it is. Why is this? Is it a conscious choice not to see, or a subconsious denial and rejection?

There is only one truth and our interpretation of it

There is no ‘my truth’ or ‘your truth’ merely our own interpretation of pure fact.

Our interpretation is the lens through which we see reality and there are many factors which cloud and distort it, to the extent that we become blind to the essential nature of truth. We are oblivious to its very existence.

The current events in the world are far more complex than any of us realise and what we are able to see totally depends on our level of awareness and consciousness.

Far deeper than the surface of political and philosophical understanding, the core of it all is spiritual. So many of us can’t even begin to fathom this because we’ve become totally disconnected from our true divine nature. We are detached from our spiritual essence.

Perhaps this is why humanity is suffering so greatly right now and why so many can’t see. We have become spiritually empty vessels, detached from our source to the Divine. It’s for this reason so many can’t grasp the depth of events.

Anything for an easy life

There are many of us who just want to get back to normal. Back to when life was simple and the world made sense. This new world is intensely stressful for us in ways we’re not even conscious of.

Beyond the basic loss of freedom and restricted means of living, there has been mass psychological stress, perpetuated by lockdowns, lack of freedom and constantly changing rules. It has also been exacerbated by a fear-mongering media campaign that serves to keep us embedded in such a state of such stress that, on a subconscious level, we cannot bear to remain in it any longer.

We cannot underestimate the effects of fear and stress on our nervous system, as well as our mental and spiritual health. This is psychological warfare on every level of our existence and it is exhausting. We try to get on with living but obstacles to normality surmount every means of escape.

It is an inescapable and relentless battering on a constant level.

In this mindset we become desperate to escape this nightmare. This is how the authorities manage us. They dangle the carrot of escape with promises that they do not keep. The promises blur, slowly and insidiously, creeping up on us until we wake up and realise it’s been 453 days of this unbearable way of living.

This is why so many are taking what the hand is feeding, without thinking about it rationally, without questioning it, without thinking of the consequences. Rational thinking in a fear and stress mindset is impossible.

A subconscious rejection of the truth

Evil’s biggest trick is pretending it doesn’t exist. Yet it is here. Never more so than at this time.

Evil isn’t obvious. It is not some monstrous, demonic shadow looming over us. The banality of evil exists in the very ordinariness of life. How have we become so immune to it that we don’t see it playing out right in front of us?

When studying the reaction of other countries as the news of the Holocaust came filtering through, it is clear that few, if any, comprehended the appalling magnitude of it. It wasn’t sufficiently real. What’s more, the continued and repeated information coming in could not break through the barriers of disbelief.

They thought that in their supposed civilised world this level of evil couldn’t be possible. Yet it was. The same thing is happening now.

There are many of us rejecting the information filtering in. It’s unbelievable on so many levels that we can’t bear to confront it. We turn away because it’s too uncomfortable, too complicated, too messy, too inconvenient. We don’t want to acknowledge it and would rather live in the illusion we’ve created for ourselves that one day we’ll get back to normal. Just one more push.

Just remember the Holocaust. Just remember how vehemently we denied it, so awful was it to comprehend. Living in denial will make the final confrontation of truth even more painful for those who go to such great lengths to avoid it now.

Denial of truth through the ego’s desperation

There are those of us who follow the rules believing we are selflessly saving society.

We buy into the narrative that we need to protect others so we wear our masks, follow the rules and take our injections. We are model citizens ‘doing our bit’ and saving humanity, frowning upon those who disobey, so convinced are we our absolute correctness.

Here’s where I’ll shatter this illusion.

Obedience is pure self-interest, there’s nothing selfless about it. The psychology of following rules lies in our desperation to demonstrate our righteousness to society. Our egos feed off the praise we receive as we virtue signal our goodness through following orders.

Most of society right now are living centered in ego. We are fearful, controlling, superior and narrow-minded. We are rooted in the belief of being absolutely right and when our goodness is challenged our egos flare up in defensive anger. We cannot bear to be wrong; our pride will not let us admit it, especially after so long defending our obedience.

Many of us in this mindset are intellectuals, which we feel gives us moral superiority, yet we are not intelligent. We deny statistics. We deny evidence. We deny being wrong because the mere idea of it is unbearable for us. Our fragile egos would break into a million pieces. It would be like death.

In this ego-centered mindset, a few deaths from the injections doesn’t trouble us. It’s for the greater good isn’t it? There will always be casulties on the front line. This is a ‘sacrifice a few for the many’ mentality. Again, a comparison to Nazi Germany comes into play. Those who were involved in the medical experiments had the same mindset. If it helped fight the war, what was a few casulties?

Isn’t it easy to rationalise murder? No matter what cog you are in the machine, no matter whether you pull the trigger or file the paperwork, you are still culpable. Every cog in the Nazi machine was culpable, from the bystanders to the executioners.

It’s these people who will fall the hardest as the truth slowly emerges, as it is already doing so now. They are the last defenders of the false narrative, continuing to rage and lash out as the light of truth finally shines at the new dawn.

The crumbling of our foundations

There are those of us who cannot bear the truth. It’s not inconvenient, it’s terrifying.

We are all intensely programmed. By our parents, authoritarian structures, education and society. This is irrefutable. The conditioning that we have deeply ingrained within our subconscious programming creates the beliefs and values that we hold so dear. They are the foundation upon which we build our lives. They are the very fabric of our being.

Anything that could potentially crack that foundation, such as the bright light of truth, is hastily shut out and blocked off. The idea of everything we’ve ever believed to be good and true in the world turning out to be a lie is more than most can handle.

We reject it because the idea of it is too terrifying to even consider. We want to maintain the illusion that everything is the way it always has been in our lives, so we close ourselves off to anything that disturbs it or attempts to prick our bubbles of safety and comfort.

This is why so many deny the truth.

The theme here is cognitive dissonance. This is a theory that suggests we all have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and behaviour in harmony and avoid disharmony. We will do anything to avoid the fracturing of our belief systems.

Such belief systems could include the belief that the government cares for us, that the pharmaceutical industry wants us to heal, that evil doesn’t exist (and that if it did, it wouldn’t come anywhere near our small lives), that the media would never lie, hide or censor information, that technology would never be used to harm humanity.

It’s time for the truth to shine out

If you ask me what it is that I so clearly see with my own lens of interpretation then I can’t answer that for you. How I interpret the reality of this situation is like a tapestry with a million different threads mingling together to form a picture. A picture that has startling clarity.

I won’t do your research for you. Only you can choose to open your mind and see the truth for what it is.

Of course, there are those who will never choose to see the truth, whether it’s conscious or unconscious. Those who no longer have any connection to the wisdom within them that desperately tries to get their attention. They are spiritually empty vessels.

Yet, for those who have a gut feeling that something feels ‘off’, never has there been a time when it has been more important for humanity to clear their lenses from fear, stress and conditioning to see the truth for what it is.

Yes, it’s terrifying and overwhelming but it needs to be seen. Have the courage to look at it, you’re not alone. This is the turning point for humanity.


Carry on exploring


We’re in a spiritual battle where normality cannot exist