Welcome to my blog
I’m Antonya and this is where I write about my journey to becoming the most confident and authentic version of who I came here to be. Explore my blog posts below or if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, use the categories or search box below.
This Is Why I Find Friendships So Hard
Exploring the challenges of setting boundaries in friendships, this post reflects on guilt, social expectations, and the journey to embrace authentic relationships that truly nourish the soul
How to keep your boundaries when they’re being challenged
If you are sensitive, gentle and empathetic it can feel really hard to say no to others and stand up and assert yourself. The reason why boundaries can feel hard is all to do with the energies in your Soul Contract, which is exactly what I explore in this blog post.
You don’t need to heal (and this is why)
You don’t need to heal because you are perfect, whole and complete just as you are. The only thing we need to do is to release and clear the trauma that is stuck in our fields and distorting our vision, making us chase things outside of ourselves.
Do you know your worth?
It can take us a lifetime to truly know our self-worth, yet it's the challenging life experiences that we encounter along the way that encourage us overcome them so we can land in a place of clarity, wisdom and self-compassion.
How to navigate the world as a sensitive soul
Being sensitive has often been seen as a weakness but when we harness it it becomes our strength. We just need to learn to ground our sensitivity and find balance so we don't become overwhelmed and burnt out from this world.
Is this the real cause of your anger?
Anger is nothing more than fear turned inside out. It’s a way for us to protect ourselves when we feel threatened, even though we’re not consciously of it. Emotions hide behind other emotions, and in this post I show you how and why this happens.
Let’s talk about poor personal boundaries
I recently saw a client who had a rash all over her body that was driving her mad. Our skin is our barrier against the world, so when it erupts we know that our boundaries are being challanged. So, why is is so hard to say no and where does this behaviour come from?
How to create boundaries against energy vampires
Empaths often suffer from low self esteem which attracts energy vampires. Learning to express negative emotions is an important part of setting boundaries.