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3 things that happen when you start healing

I find it really hard to write about healing.

Not because the process isn’t a simple one to understand or define, but because the true meaning of healing feels so lost in the saturation of the word being used to describe so many different things.

The truth is, none of us need to heal.

Healing implies that we’re broken and need fixing, but that isn’t the truth of it at all. We’re all beautiful whole, complete and perfect, and the only thing that needs fixing is the connection between our perception of reality and the truth.

Imagine a road that is leading you towards your soul destiny. As we walk along it, and go through our lives, we pick up programmes, beliefs and perceptions about ourselves and the world around us that lodges into our subconscious mind and alters our vision of who we are.

Now, our road has become cluttered with debris and we can’t find a safe path through. We come up against obstacle after obstacle, blocking us from seeing the path laid out ahead of us and where we have the potential to go.

For me, healing is merely the removal of this debris that is skewering our perception of ourselves and our path.

There is nothing wrong with us, we have just been distracted by the chaos around us that is stopping us from really seeing the truth. Our experiences, upbringing and unique trauma are merely taking up space on the path and making our lives harder.

Healing on the path to our highest potential

There’s another analogy that I love to use when explaining how easily we can be taken off the path of our highest potential, and how to recognise the signs to realign to that path.

All aeroplanes have a navigation system that keeps them on the most direct course to their destination, and when they stray too far off centre, a warning light comes on which the pilots then use to alter their course and come back to the centre line.

We’re like these aeroplanes too.

When we are too far off our path, having to take long detours around the obstacles on our road of life, we notice the signs. They might be emotional; feeling anxious, depressed, lost and frustrated. They might also be psychosomatic where we experience physical symptoms in the body that reflects an unhappy, stressed and unbalanced state of mind.

Some of these signs are obvious and alert us to realign our lives so we’re back on course, and some are more subtle, so much so that we aren’t even aware that we’ve gone off course.

It’s not that we need to heal ourselves, we only need to heal the subconscious programmes that were imprinted into us from the traumatic experiences we’ve had in our lives, past lives, and lives in other dimensions and realities.

These programmes might look like feeling unworthy of happiness and love because when we were growing up our parents were emotionally neglectful and in an unhappy marriage, leading us to believe that we weren’t lovable and creating a cycle of toxic relationships in our lives.

It might be a programme around fear of failure because we witnessed the world judging those who fail, thereby encoding the belief into us that failure is wrong and something to be ashamed of, so we no longer try for the fear is too great.

There is a distinct separation, and when you see it for what it is, you begin to create a separation between yourself and your egoic mind which locks these programmes in. You are not these limiting beliefs and programmes, you are so much more than that.

You are a vibrant, healthy, perfect being of light. And as part of being on this earthly experience, you are breaking free of the limiting third dimensional beliefs around yourself and your need to suffer, so you can come home to the realisation of who you truly are and what you’re really capable of.

Miracles can happen when you start healing

So, when you start clearing these limiting beliefs, programmes and skewed perceptions of yourself and the world, what can you expect to happen?

One of the most wonderful things that happened to me when I started healing the limiting beliefs I held about myself, was that I fell in love. When I was 26 years old I had Kinesiology for the first time, and it was there, in that treatment room, that I released a huge block around feeling worthy of love.

The release itself was huge; I cried as something ugly, dark and deep, left my body, and then I laughed until I cried again. And then, it was only a matter of weeks later that I met and fell in love with my first proper boyfriend.

You see, until that point I didn't believe I was worthy of being loved, and I wasn’t even aware of this belief as it was so deeply buried in my subconscious. Yet, when the time is right and you’re with the right person who can help you release it, those deeply buried feelings can rise to the surface.

When we heal something big like feeling worthy of love, there’s often many layers to the programme. Which is why, when I released another layer last year, another wonderful person entered my life just a matter of weeks later who I’m in a relationship with now.

Like layers of an onion, the more we get to the core the more we get to the source of it all.

It’s when you heal very deep subconscious beliefs that anything can happen. It might seem like miracles but healing is essentially like a big snowplough, clearing the crap off your path so all the goodness that you deserve can flood in.

I deserve love, we all do.

When you heal you begin to love yourself

Another powerful thing that happens when we start healing is that we begin to create a much more loving relationship with ourselves and our bodies.

When we have experiences in life that damage our self-esteem it can take a long time for us to recover a healthy love for ourselves. We often punish and hurt ourselves from this place of hurt, instead of showing ourselves the compassion we are so desperately in need of.

Some of the ways we do this is through negative self-talk, berating and judging ourselves and shaming ourselves when we don’t live up to our expectations. Another way is abusing our bodies through an unhealthy diet, eating disorders, over or under exercising, drug and alcohol abuse, and not allowing ourselves to rest or relax.

When we begin to address the wounded inner child within us that feels unlovable and begin to heal the misguided beliefs we hold about our worth, we can begin to create a much more compassionate, lenient and loving relationship with ourselves.

This is one of the hardest places to get to, it’s still a huge work in progress for me, but the more we remove the debris on the road that is distorting our reflection, the easier it is to see us for who we truly are; unconditionally loved and perfect in our uniqueness.

It’s when we start loving ourselves that so much starts to drastically change in our lives; from leaving jobs and relationships that we no longer resonate with to healing our relationship with our bodies so we actually start to nourish, rather than punish, ourselves.

Healing connects us to our potential

One of the most wonderful things that happens when we start to heal is that we clear the limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves, which allows us to fully step into the full light of our magnificence.

The majority of us go through life with our inner light dimmed so low that we never bring ourselves out of hiding to show what we’re really capable of.

Inside all of us is a huge wealth of talent that we only need to believe in in order to fully activate.

We’re all dreamers, creators, artists and architects, with as much power as building entire empires from the tip of our little pinkie. Yet, none of us fully believe that what we hold inside of us is capable of that. Even I don’t believe that, but through the healing process I’m learning to slowly start to reconnect with this light and bring it out into the world.

We are so immensely talented, capable and creative. All of us. No exceptions.

We just got it drummed out of us by a factory-style education system that squashed our natural abilities and made us believe that if we didn’t fit into these narrow boxes of conformity, then we didn’t belong and we wouldn’t amount to anything.

This is why I love giving Soul Contract Readings, it’s in your Soul Contract that your talents, gifts and strengths are so clearly laid out for you to reconnect with. Deep down, we know what we’re capable of, but the louder egoic mind, with all of its misguided beliefs, drowns the quiet voice of our soul and stops us from putting ourselves out there and trying.

Yet, when we heal the parts of ourselves that don’t believe we’re worthy of bringing our unique light out into the world, guess what happens? We start to shine, brighter, louder and more vibrantly than we ever thought possible.

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Carry on exploring

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